That paragraph you quoted is also the only thing I disagree with here, and I'm totally with you.
That paragraph you quoted is also the only thing I disagree with here, and I'm totally with you.
Steam says my rarest achievements are the following:
Well the nice thing about Red Hood and the Outlaws was that aside from the Death in the Family story, he was completely removed from all things Batman, which was great.
You'd think I would have been smart enough to try searching for Red Hood or Arsenal on that list, instead of looking for Roy Harper, lol. Great news, as I happen to like the new-52 incarnation of him.
Wow, pretty much everything I was reading or most interested in is getting carved up. Some of them aren't surprising, but now I'm curious what titles some of the characters are going to migrate to. What happens to Jason Todd and Roy Harper from Red Hood and the Outlaws? Where do all the Green Lanterns (and lanterns of…
My thought on that is that it shouldn't take too long to suss out a guy's intentions in declaring himself a feminist. His actions will speak for themselves. Mostly how much he actually listens to women speaking about the topic.
It's not about entitlement - it's the fact that Nintendo's competition (most other developers/publishers) are fine about the whole LP/youtube review situation without running a program like this. There's not really any reason for a Youtuber who doesn't currently stream/LP Nintendo games to suddenly start because of…
That's fantastic.
On a side note, it's actually kind of cool how mangled the English in this game can get and you can still usually understand what they were trying to say. I've watched hours of an LP of this game and after a while my brain started to just gloss over the hilarious grammar naturally.
I love how the game can't even consistently stick to Elf or Monster when trying to say Pokemon.
Well, at least things are better than with Dead Island's release - the PC version launched on Steam was the dev version by mistake, with regular keys on the keyboard activating cheats like no-clip.
There's been quite a bit of discussion on neogaf:…
It recently went into Closed Beta, so you either need to be selected as a participant (make sure your account has the beta opt-in options turned on for a chance), get a key from some of the contests going around on the internet, or buy in with the $40 Founder's pack, which also sets you up with some heroes…
Heroes of the Storm. It's barely in Closed Beta, and there's a lot of work to do, but I love it.
It probably had little to no effect. Elder Scrolls Online was developed by ZeniMax Online Studios. It's owned by the same parent company that owns Bethesda, but it's likely an entirely different development team.
Wow, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 hanging in there, even after having the digital versions pulled from both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. I'm a little impressed.
Personally, I find very little about the great outdoors to enjoy while I'm standing in the cold waiting for a bus in the middle of Toronto.
Personally, I find very little about the great outdoors to enjoy while I'm standing in the cold waiting for a bus in…
There are certainly competitive game genres with higher skill ceilings than MOBAs, but if the top MOBA players were truly not doing "anything that anyone else couldn't do", wouldn't we see more variation among the victors of each tournament? I've followed competitive DOTA 2 in the past, and it's common for the teams…
Damn, the only one I solved without any letters was 'Camelot' and I was 10.