Scientology stories always make me wish Robert A Heinlein had won the bet of which one of them could found a religion first (ok, that bet is an unproven urban legend, but still).
Scientology stories always make me wish Robert A Heinlein had won the bet of which one of them could found a religion first (ok, that bet is an unproven urban legend, but still).
So, if this was an act of war, what does that make the Stuxnet joint attack by the US and Israel on Iran's nuclear facilities?
I believe they did. At first it was just the expansion, but I'm almost positive they've added the quick save feature to the original game as well.
Oh man, bad auto-save systems are the worst. Shadowrun Returns released with one that only had autosave and would only autosave at a map transition. Since most missions were entirely on one map, you could have 30-90 min between save opportunities. And between missions, you had to get into the habit of leaving the main…
I think what the OP means is that people have found ways of rigging the holiday meta-game each and every year. Years ago we had the fiasco with people making hundreds of accounts to farm coals and get free games. More recently we had the Steam races that reddit was able to manipulate.
Final Fantasy VII is currently $12 on Steam and just $10 on the PlayStation Network for PS3, Vita, and PSP. This PS4 release will be a port of the Steam version.
The lines in the trailer were being spoken back and forth by two different characters. I believe that represents the main choice we had from the first game.
Just tweeted by the NYPD Chief of Community Affairs:
Every one of these rapes and sexual assaults revelations seems to echo the exact same MO. It's like one giant Criminal Minds episode :-( .
Actually, the Beta hasn't even started yet. It's still in Alpha. Closed Beta starts in January.
It's already been announced that the next phase is a Closed Beta. It's very likely an Open Beta will come afterward however (since both Hearthstone and Diablo 3 each had open betas).
If your account on the account management website shows that you are indeed in the Alpha, but the client isn't letting you in, I've heard you can try to change the password of your account to for a resynch between the client and account. It's worth a shot.
Just a reminder to everyone that the Closed Beta begins on Jan 13th. Entry isn't guaranteed yet by that phase, but it should be letting significantly more people in the game at that time compared to the current Alpha (which I was lucky enough to get into a few weeks ago).
Both times I used 'she', I was referring to the perpetrator, not the victim. I'm not sure how that was unclear.
I feel bad that my initial mental response to this was dismissive. I had to take a few seconds to tell myself to treat this as any other rape, and not victim blame, and then remind myself that the only thing that matters is whether she had consent or not, and based on this information, she did not.
I'm calling it - we'll get a lightsaber-scythe by episode 9.
Paradox is about the only company that can keep putting out DLC until the end of time, and I'll just keeping buying. This sounds amazing and now I can't wait until they unveil their next Europa Universalis IV expansion.
Personally, I thought for quite a while that Keep was just for people who didn't have game saves. They (EA) did a terrible job communicating that it was replacing the save entirely.
There are alternate methods. I've seen the following list posted, but also some arguing back and forth about which ones actually work, so take with a grain of salt. I'm still at work so can't test (and can't view the YouTube video to know that the alternate methods weren't included in there).
"Falco- Beat Classic on…