Adam Stacey

You'd be surprised how often Intellectual Property suit are filed in places that have nothing to do with either the plaintiff or defendant, usually because the court in that area favors one particular viewpoint.

Obviously, we don't know the facts here. But a couple of things jump out at me:

That's the big question. I haven't looked in depth, but it appears that while the cards don't bear a lot of resemblance to Magic cards, a lot of gameplay elements do resemble Magic quite a bit (5 different elements of mana to tap, for example).

Excellent timing. I was just thinking last night that I wanted more details on Beyond Earth, and it was about time for the info to start trickling out.

Yep, you do. You gain a new one, where for 2 mana, you spawn a 6/6 infernal.

Wow, looks like I was fairly lucky. I put in $20 (back when I was actually playing it) of packs and got 3 legendaries. The only one at the moment I remember though is this guy:

There was also a goddess of door hinges, Cardea. The Romans had all sorts of local deities that was heavily regionalized and over time evolved into the pantheon we think of today.

Don't blame me. I named my male shep Janus, as in the Roman God of doorways. I think it worked well for a game largely based on choice (which themselves are a type of doorway).

Captain America: The Winter Soldier arguably also passes, though if so, not by much.

No worries. Was just trying to buoy your spirits a little. I'd only noticed it because the picture was a little bigger on some of the other sites reporting it at the time.

Take a close look at the image above. The mountains are snow capped. I don't think this island is going to be tropical.

Season Two Episode 1: 12/17/13

Season Two Episode 2: 03/04/14

Season Two Episode 3: 05/13/14 (I'm using next tuesday as the next-week day)

It feel like a lot of people in the comments are missing the point here, and are against the idea of this meme. My own opinion about the point of this meme:

I disagree - that only works if the community agrees with what Valve chooses to let onto Steam. Having more reviewers wouldn't have helped Deponia. Valve told Daedalic that they didn't believe the game was up to Steam's standards.

One of the reasons Greenlight was brought in was because Steam kept ignoring or refusing to bring certain games on Steam, and the community kept making complaint threads. Deponia is an example of a game that was initially refused, and Terraria was one that required a lot of community support before Steam let them in.

A couple of extra facts to note:

WHAT? What's so un-innocent about same-sex relations? Surely if these games are so 'innocent' then there shouldn't be opposite-sex relations either, right?

That's the kind of thing I mean. If Nintendo does better next year, it won't be due to pokemon, because they just put one out that sold well. It will be other factors.

"Yielding focus and rigidity while the latter is complexity and emotion."