Adam Stacey

I was actually a little surprised to hear about all the loading screens. I'm sure that months ago the devs were going on and on about how there would be no more load screens once you first loaded up the game.

Nope, I work in IT for a large bank in Canada.

A) not viable for indie developers

That's simply not feasible for many types of DLC, and especially not for indie devs.

But what's the non-digital alternative to DLC?

That's a great statement, but it has nothing to do with this article.

What does this have to do with digital distribution? It was a boxed game. I'm not even sure that it was ever released digitally on PSN.

I think Jason's main point is that it wasn't fun. He repeatedly calls it tedious and boring.

It still worries me that this is F2P.

Whenever the discussion about the death of AAA games comes up, I don't see anyone talking about gamer fragmentation, and I think it's going to be a huge factor going forward.

Some fun ones I've found:

Most of my recommended tags are pretty standard fare, but at the bottom of the list of 25 recommended, I have the tag [Glass him]. The only thing in that tag is The Wolf Among Us.

My one problem with the karma system in the first two was that it basically acted like any other statistic - you always wanted to max it out, either trying to do good deeds to push your good karma a little higher or bad ones to bring it a little lower.

Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Etrian Odyssey 4, Etrian Odyssey Untold, Devil Survivor: Overclocked, Project X Zone, Tales of the Abyss, and that doesn't include the upcoming Persona Q, and whatever else I'm forgetting RPG-wise.

I didn't say it couldn't be good. I said there's only so much you can do with it.

There's a world of difference between a $15 game giving me a 5 hour-long experience and a $49.99 one giving me a 20 hour-long experience. I was hoping for more like the latter.

Sorry, I'm not going to count re-releases. The game was originally released on the SNES at full retail price.

You're right - many $49.99 titles are short, especially the AAA ones. But the average $15 game is even shorter. Ubisoft's last title that I can remember at that price point was Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, which was only about 5 hours long.