I'm not going to flame you. But I will give you my opinion.
I'm not going to flame you. But I will give you my opinion.
The man writes ~2 books a year and still tries to read at least 80 books a year. Beyond that, he still does interviews and signings. He's busy. I think I'll cut him some slack if he doesn't feel compelled to spend his reading time reading The Hunger Games or Twilight. You'll notice he didn't say anything negative…
Why is Apple 'usurping' Nintendo? Because of higher sale numbers? Then I guess they have to apply that measurement to their own games, such as Battlefield 3 when compared to Call of Duty: Black Ops II...
There's already a version of Rorschach on the Steam Workshop.
I'm having tremendous amounts of fun with the game, although one thing I found mildly confusing is that I couldn't figure out how to access the Bat Computer without first clicking on a character and clicking their Bat Computer icon. It turns out, that whole first area in Gotham is a tutorial and once you beat the…
Steam - Hitman: Absolution (75% off) (also looks like the other Hitman games are 75% off too)
I'm almost completely sure it was E.T. for the Atari. We owned a few other Atari games, so it could have been Pac-Man, or possibly even Pitfall, but I specifically remember goofing around on E.T. (and never getting anywhere because that game is absolutely terrible and unintuitive).
I think it means 'salty'.
I always found it interesting that Serah had no trouble calling her sister Lightning (and would often shorten it to 'Light'). She doesn't even stumble and accidentally start to say Claire at any point in either game.
Are you trying to tell me Snow is a... troll?
So why's she still going by the name 'Lightning' anyway? Wasn't a major part of her character development the she realized toward the end of FFXIII that taking that new name was just running away from her past?
I believe I have that same Nintendo Power (which is actually kinda funny, since I only have like 3 or 4 of them from their entire run).
This has been going on for years. PayPal does whatever it wants at all times, and it's not regulated like a bank (except in the UK I hear), so it has an awful lot of leeway to do all this.
Namco-Bandai has been rather good about localizing non-Vita Tales games recently. It's Sega that hasn't done so well localizing actually.
I still think Namco Bandai would have been better, given that the Tales games are another set of niche-market JRPGs. But I don't know if they were ever even involved in bidding.
You know, it's really great. I'm just having a little trouble with the one character constantly speaking French.
Come to think of it, there have been an awful lot of Molson beers and cups of poutine in my games... You guys have maple syrup as your powerups in Mario games too, right? And Sonic collects Toonies?
As a Canadian, I have to ask... where can I get the American version of these games that are mind controlling people to go on shooting sprees? Because our versions don't seem to be having this effect up here.
I definitely miss the Gameshark I originally had with my PSX. It was a ton of fun to play around with strange codes (playing as unplayable boss characters in fighting games, keeping characters from RPGs around even after they'd become unavailable, etc).
Regardless of whether this is the right move, or if it's too late, or whatever, I think Blizzard needs some respect just for going through with this.