Unfortunately, current FPS practices actually go against recent games gaining large professional communities. We don't know for sure these will be followed, but given that it's EA publishing, it's a pretty good guess.
Unfortunately, current FPS practices actually go against recent games gaining large professional communities. We don't know for sure these will be followed, but given that it's EA publishing, it's a pretty good guess.
Thank goodness. I know I'm going to sound like a horrible noob, but that's why I never completed GTA IV. The missions were long, sometimes with large travel segments in them, and very prone to randomness (especially cop cars being in the wrong place at the wrong time). I just got tired of restarting the same missions…
Can someone tell me if there's a checkpointing system for the missions more in line with The Lost and the Damned/Ballad of Gay Tony, or is it like previous entries in which you have to reply entire missions if you fail?
Rogue Legacy is 40% off on Steam as a weekend deal. I think the lowest it has been before was 20% off during the summer Steam sale.
Just to emphasize your point:
Because it's the most recent season that's out on Blu-ray and has a bigger discount than the previous seasons right now.
Exactly. There are plenty of strips they've done where physical abuse/violence/murder is the punchline. The ones early on where Gabe and Tycho keep murdering each other to get possession of the watch, for example. No uproar about that. In this case the rape wasn't even the punchline, and it was a big deal.
I thought it was all demons, skeletons, cultists, etc. That sort of thing. But now that I'm looking at some info about it, it looks like zombies may be present as well, lol.
You mean like Hellraid, which they're also working on? It's a different genre in terms of setting, anyway, since it's not zombies.
The release dates of the two console are close enough that there's really no difference. I'm not sure there will be too many situations where someone walks in wanting a console, not having preordered one, and buys the PS4 because the Xbox One isn't out yet.
I was actually surprised so many got outraged at that comic. The point was that we as players don't care about the story, or the reasoning of the quest. Once we hit the kill/save/acquire target number, we're out of there. It doesn't matter if we're finding pretty flowers or saving slaves from torment. Even something…
1) I didn't even mention LoL or Dota2.
My biggest reservation with respect to the TV integration of the Xbox One is that I fear that maybe it's a little late. Cable subscriber rates have been in decline for a while now. I realize there's still a lot of cable subscribers out there right now, but they will surely continue to fall.
I talked to everyone at every chance I had. The problem is that if you don't go entirely down either of the two relationship sides (for their names at the moment), and end up in the middle, you get screwed over.
Oh I'm not going to let it keep me down :-P
As a kid though, the localization didn't matter at all. Unlike with FFT's original translation, I don't remember any glaring plot/dialogue that sounded odd/wrong (other than a very early scene where Yua says "you are!" for no reason (I think maybe she was supposed to say "you're wrong!"). It was really just names of…
The SMT games are simply not for everyone. I think the people who need this list are going to have a hard enough time getting through Persona 4.
I think the problem would be deciding which Breath of Fire to put on the list.
Hey, I'm with you on FFX. That world felt real. The crushing despair people had to push through just to live their lives... overwhelming.