Adam Stacey

Yeah, that would be the difference. Gameplay hasn't changed at all from the beta, but the hero availability has.

Iron Man isn't. Have you even played the game? There are five starter heroes you can choose from and Iron Man isn't one of them.

Wait, you paid for Iron Man, just to uninstall the game right afterward?

Give me a game where you spend the first half as Mario trying to rescue Peach only for Bowser to use the opportunity to capture Mario as well. Then, you spend the second half playing as Peach, escaping and trying to rescue Mario.

And he's shown no signs of improvement since.

What about The Death and Return of Superman?

Excellent game, especially now that you don't need to sub. Yes, it IS a WoW clone. But it does a damn fine job of cloning WoW while still adding on its own systems.

Do you still need an Xbox Live Gold subscription? Joystiq was originally reporting that you did, but it's unclear now that the steps to get the game for free have changed.

Guild Wars 2 is actually $37.99. The voucher code doesn't work with it.

Here's the thing that really gets me confused about Square Enix - Deus Ex: HR made waves when it came out. It generated a lot of hype, there was a lot of discussion when it was coming about whether or not it could be faithful to the original, and it was memorable. It sold very well, and people remember it a few years

I saw the Elektra movie years ago, and felt it was actually pretty good since it got Daredevil completely out of the picture.

And not only that, but if you don't help them achieve their current goals, they leave forever!

It's the damn 2.0 D&D rules the game is based on. So unforgiving at early levels and not at all balanced upon long sets of large encounters. At least BG2 is much more forgiving at the start since you start at levels 6-8 depending on your class, and with several party members.

Look - think about it this way: They are making $x amount of cash each month from subscriptions. Sure, they're down in subs lately, but that's still millions of players. In order to justify a switch to F2P, they would have to prove that they can make at least the same amount per month on average from

looks like it was updated to include the Arkham Origins deal

Speaking as a type-1 diabetic (insulin-dependent) this sounds like a fantastic idea. I have to track carbs for every meal. Now, it's true that alcohol throws a monkey wrench into any straight carb-counting (alcohol lowers blood sugar while carbs increase it), just having that extra info would be beneficial.

Steve Ballmer?

Correction: There is no PC version.

definitely not Bizarro.