It's been a long time since I played an MMO primarily in first-person. I think the last time I did that was the original Everquest. I'm not sure if I could go back to that style, since knowing what's around you has become such a big deal in MMOs.
It's been a long time since I played an MMO primarily in first-person. I think the last time I did that was the original Everquest. I'm not sure if I could go back to that style, since knowing what's around you has become such a big deal in MMOs.
Assassin's Creed 9?
While we're at it, how about a new Romancing SaGa too?
Add me to the list of Sleeping Dogs fans. That game was beautiful while being a blast to play.
What reveals were you watching?
It's like they watched the PS4 reveal and asked themselves how they could do the exact opposite in every respect.
To be fair, a) we've seen almost nothing of this game so far, and b) Firestarter was a really good book.
These DLC areas have no tie-in to the main storyline and were developed after the game itself went gold.
Grand Theft Auto?
God of War
Probably time for him to retire anyway. I mean, this guy is pushing 24!
The new main character is Connor's grandfather.
Fox News is not actually a news channel. They're a propaganda channel. Literally. Their mission is to take anything going on in the news and put a right-wing spin on it. They spew hate and complete lies every single day.
Check the TV Tropes page…
for many more examples. Some of these are great.
That could just be a poor translation choice, though. Fire, Fire2, Fire3 (and the other elemental versions) should have been Fire, Fira, and Firaga from the beginning, and Merton should have been Meltdown, for example.
I don't think there needs to be a 'positive', and I think framing the question this way creates a bit of a trap. Simply put, violence is in the game because the story and framing of the game calls for it. That's all.
The one game that annoyed me with disc-swapping was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. The first half of the game's missions were on the first disc and the second half on the second disc, as you'd expect. However, because it required you to backtrack and use your new tools and powers to enter secret areas in previous…
Rude Guede testified that he saw a shadowy figure holding a knife over the victim's body, and that he fought with the figure, who was a man, and spoke to him in Italian.
You can if you want, but it won't be called that. The name is already trademarked as a set-top box, which is far too similar to a game console to be sharing a name.
One of his tweets from a month ago: