Adam Stacey

I'm not really sure how Microsoft could win me over to get the next Xbox. I currently have a PS3, a 360, and a gaming PC that I upgrade every once in a while (also a 3DS). I plan on getting the PS4 because it's getting some neat exclusives I want (inFamous being the biggest one).

Quite disappointing. All I needed was for Riptide to be better than the first game, even by a little. I have no idea how they managed to take it in the other direction.

Ah, so they're telling the kids it's okay to be gay... until you turn into an adult and want to give back to the organization. Then you'll be kicked out. Great message for kids! Be yourself... until you grow up. Then get the hell out.

I'm a type-1 diabetic, so I have to take 3-4 insulin injections every day.

Well, that and damage is rarely tuned until near the end of a game's release.

Bioware put out the stats on a lot of the choices players made throughout the game, and one of those was that only a small percentage of players (I think it was less than 20%) played as FemShep.

But the joke was always on the player the first time they played the game. Spend 30 minutes crafting your face? Surprise! You start off undead and hella ugly!

Man, I hated the choice of sidekicks in Mass Effect 3. Sure, all the ones introduced in 2 were there in some capacity, but none of them were standard playable anymore.

2010? Those graphics look fantastic for 2010. I can't speak for whether this would have been a good Mega Man game, but damn if it doesn't look like a blast to play.

I haven't played Abyss, but being a fan of Vesperia and Graces F, I'm always hearing Tales fans talking about Abyss. Few fans will ever agree on which game is the best, but Abyss always seems to be in their top 3.

Cyberpunk Rocky Horror Picture Show?

Maybe they just get a lot of practice with the Kinect? The Playstation Move and Wiimote don't exactly give you a comparable experience...

Most of the responses here are going to be talking about the *very* end part, but what hit me harder than the big final reveal was the death of Songbird. It just looked and seemed so sad as the pressure of the water killed it. It felt even worse considering the thing had just been my ally.

"Can anyone please prove he's doing this for selfish reasons? It'd make me feel a lot better."

...and available in bargain bins shortly thereafter.

Maybe they implemented Kinja?

I had read on another site that the last two buttons for the PC were supposed to be the 'confirm' and 'cancel' buttons (depending on your mapping), but I don't know if B is cancel and A is confirm, or the other way around.

That might work as a joke if it wasn't a new battle system

I think that's what gave them the idea. Steam/Valve took a lot of flack for allowing The WarZ on it in the first place. And then they had to offer a lot of refunds. Now, if a game is in this area of Steam and it's barely playable, they can point to the early access sign and say that's what you signed up for.

So it's basically a category Steam can place all the games that are still in alpha/beta (that want to sell access to players now) or a ways off from a full release, so that fewer players will complain about unfinished products.