

But no, if it came to that, I'm fucking setting up shop somewhere and becoming a vendor until shit gets fixed!

What if someone host a torrent for pirate copy of the bible?

I think there were a lot of factors working against it, from an investor perspective.

You idiots! You captured their stunt doubles!

I'm guessing the same reason Sega hasn't put PSO on XBLA/PSN yet.

I completely agree. The poster was clearly an accident. But yes, the people saying "let it go" are clearly either too young to know how much the world has changed or too ignorant to have seen it with their own eyes. Heck, we've spent well over a year talking about the NSA. These people need to do a little reading

Just to be clear, I think this is an overreaction to a coincidence. But to say, "Let it go" to the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center is incredible shortsighted and ignorant. That singular event turned into a global war effort in much of the Middle East, dramatically changed international security, and

I think that I, like many people, aren't offended but just amazed at the oversight.

The 9/11 date almost seems fitting because this movie is a tragedy.

Bungie needs to add proximity chat.

Crazy, it is also my wife's birthday but she totally understood and jumped in raising hell with me.

My momma always said, "Life was like a box of cupcakes."

"Tweet Mark Ruffalo!" is going to be my go-to response for every single problem I ever encounter from now on.

Halo 3 had the absolute best online community of any game ever. Period. Matchmaking was perfect, and with the advent of forge people's imaginations made custom games a thing of beauty. Best gaming days of my life.

Its the Steam sale conditioning. Thank gawd for me now that I'm older and have a full time job I can't veg out.

They should've gotten Alan Rickman in to do his Marvin the Paranoid Android voice. Monotone only really works when it's done depressingly. To me Peter has always been more of a visual actor in regards to his performance's (And I don't mean because he's short) as they tend to rely on how he expresses himself.

This is actually really cool to me, and just being able to play Halo 2 online again is enough to make me feel like getting an Xbox One.

...and with this announcement, coupled with the decoupling of the Kinect from the system, I might finally get an XBox One.

Now playing

If you think thats cool, check this out. When this thing gets less expensive ($600 for 2 gloves atm) and lower latency, it will be pretty mindblowing.

That's the beauty of using an online identity is that I can say this and not worry about any sort of backlash because of who I am! So, uncensored answer: