
This is like every creative person. Nothing new but still funny.

I always believed it had that PSO feel but I just figured its because I've been playing PSO2 too much. I guess I'm not crazy since so many others feel the same way. I have yet to try the "alpha" yet but I hope its good enough to pull my attention away from my PSO2 addiction.

Macintosh Plus at my elementary school, I don't even remember why we used them. My first home PC was a Compaq Presario 5304 Cyrix with Windows 98. Good times, not really.

Introducing Coca-Cola Classic!

"Call me short sighted all you want. I read."
"Seriously, fuck Oculous."

I guess you don't PROOF read *rimshot*
(sorry, I had to)

He's in the background of the Hideout stage from SFxT which has been ported to SSFIV.

They already have his model too, I would've loved to see him.

As long as linearity is the only thing that makes X and XIII similar then I'm fine with that. I agree with you though, I love a game that incorporates good world building. But I wouldn't call a game bad because it lacked in one area of its development. Otherwise I would call XII shit because it had weak game

I can agree it lacked exploration but the plot was always moving so I had no issue with it. I'm assuming they had to cut other areas due to size constraints, it was their first 3D FF after all. I just wanted to point out that X and XIII have minimal similarities when comparing everything that makes a game "good".


Except for the fact that X had good gameplay and a better soundtrack. Not to mention characters that people actually gave a shit about (well some characters). The world in FFX was actually interesting unlike XIII which was just a mixture of VII and X.
X and XIII are similar in linearity but XIII lacks fun and

You're right, casual gamers run the gaming market that's no secret. I mean, this new gen has proven that with its big push for Netflix, Hulu, and cable TV integration. Ugh, man its tough dividing the gaming population into just two categories. There should really be 3 types, casual, mid, and hardcore. I'm not hardcore

The Oculus guys are approaching VR differently this time, its not personal theater like it was 20+ years ago. The tech is very different this time around which gives the Rift a wider audience but still keeping a big spot in the gaming industry.

Also, the Rift doesn't stop people from using controllers, in fact

You remind me of myself from about 7 years ago. I believed that touch screen interfaces would fail in the mainstream for the same reason you doubt VR.
"People won't use it...its too slow, it makes the phones too big..."
"Touch screen will die in like a year, just watch"

Boy was I wrong. I've learned my lesson and now I

Funny thing is I own a Xbox 360 and I know the entire story of KH (as confusing as it is). Lets not forget that Xbox has not been around as long as the Playstation. A lot of people over the age of 15 once had a PS2 and had the option of playing the previous games. Stop finding shit to complain about.

Someone needs to make a GTAV zombie apocalypse mod.

Don't worry, you're not alone. I bought my PS3 last year just to play this and KH1.5.

Its generally considered the last good Final Fantasy of the series. I would recommend it if you like turn based RPGs and have interest in the game itself.

Everything good about Kotaku left along time ago when the site restructured. I just use Kotaku for hilariously bad game/anime articles now. Its time for you to find a new home now.

Some may say this is depressing but I think its absolutely beautiful. Its insane how insignificant we really are.

Another listing article?
Oh Kotaku. Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse.

I'm so glad I don't come here for actual news anymore.