
No problem ^_^

I'll never understand why some guys make such a big deal out of this. The way I see it is if women are represented better in the gaming industry then maybe that will lead more women/girls to play video games. That means more people to play with and more fun.

Ha the author of that article needs to go out and play Left 4 Dead or Gears of War. Hell, Call of Duty even. I've ran into many girls offline and online that destroyed me in those games.

Thats where I was till finally I went out and bought me a 6oGB for $30. I was surprised how cheap it was now.

It was an amazing show and it had its flaws but hopefully the creators learned from their mistakes and give us an epic season 2. I want to see some solid character development! Oh and more Jinora please ^_^

FFX easily.

The creators should have written the show for multiple season in its inception. That would have made the show as good as Avatar: The Last Airbender if not better.

I tried watching the spoony review but I had to stop after finishing the fist part, it was just horrible. I understand that its comedy but most of the things he pointed out were things that are wrong with Final Fantasy in general and not the game itself. He also did not understand the plot correctly, the game was

I've said this many times here on Kotaku, Final Fantasy X is the greatest game I've ever played.

I have yet to use it myself but I hope your right. I just hate using ugly software/UI.

I'm still not a fan of that hideous window pane UI but I have to say that the design of the device itself is beautiful.

You sir, deserve a plaque for all your win.

I could never get into Dragon Ball, I was more into Pokemon and Spiderman: The Animated Series.

Though from the looks of it the gamers have not changed very much because they still want games like FFX and below. If its not broken then don't fix it.

You got the right idea. FFX has always been my favorite battle system because it gave me time to plan out my attacks especially on difficult boss battles.

All I want is turn based RPG (CTB or ATB) in the LUMINOUS STUDIO engine with a fantastic story. That apparently is too much to ask from Square Enix.

The particle effects is the only weak point, everything else is amazing. If only current gen FF games played as good as they look.

I right there with you, the maps in that game where amazing. I've also never had another game entertain me at a LAN party as much as Halo 2.

Honestly, I don't know what to think after watching that. I'm neutral I guess. Although the soundtrack sounds amazing and that at least gives me something to look forward to.

lol that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that enemy. Bionicle.