
I'm actually considering buying a 3DS just to play this game. I said to myself that I would never buy a Nintendo product but after playing Birth By Sleep, I must.

I feel like an ass for laughing but lol

The Xbox 720 (Durango) is also rumored to have the dreaded INTERNET ONLY lock. Making both consoles unplayable when offline along with Anti-used games protection. I'm not sure where Microsoft stands on backwards compatibility though, regardless I will not purchase a next gen console if these rumors are true.

The future is sounding pretty rough with this news.

I hope this game is on par with the amazing work that was Birth by Sleep. I might actually buy a DS if this turns out to be good.

You are a champion my friend!

My hopes is that either KH3 or Versus13 launches by next year.

This is what I read,

Final Fantasy X is literally the best game I've played. It has beautiful music that seem to fit every situation perfectly. The battle system is the best in the series, being able to see the turn order is brilliant. The characters are great, they're not the best but they are memorable and have some great chemistry

Wow, I had never heard of these before, I'm definitely going to check them out. I miss this genre.

I wonder if its possible to make a solid Turn based RPG in this engine. I haven't seen something like this come out UE3 yet, but the engine does seem pretty flexible.

Fifth DLC? That's counting the Booster pack right?

I've been wishing for this since SSFIV's release. Well, they already have 3 of the models done we know that for sure :3

Honestly, I think ALL games have gotten easier since the 90's. I was aggravated when I saw reviewers shave off points in Catherine's over all score. Catherine got a lot of negative feedback for being too difficult, so much that they issued a patch for an easier difficulty. That game was hard on normal but only at a

I would totally play a game like this, and if the proceeds went towards the families affected then that would be a Day 1 purchase for me.

I'm not getting this game but that is a sweet little feature. I wish more games would do this, considering some games have bad box art (MvC3 for example)

There is a video floating around Youtube that shows most of the future DLC characters so I would assume a Season 2 Pass is on the horizon. Most of what is shown though are exclusive recycles.

Hell yeah, I lost my exclusive Savage Kantus and Thrashball Cole thanks to this last DLC. I am no longer unique :(

Capcom needs to take some notes, I want the freedom to the play any way I want to which Namco apparently understands. I'm not much of a tekken fan but this looks great.

Wow the game is looking a lot smoother now. I can't wait for this game.