
Don't look now, but I think Mi16 has been following us for several blocks. Quick, light up a Gauloises and act drunk and foreign.

It's got to be the TSA.

Let's see if I understand this correctly.

I've heard that the local "icebergs" pack a punch.

Diamond Dave wishes he had saved some money from the 80's.

Clearly DRB-HICOM understands Lotus by the way they are handling this matter. The only sad thing is that all future cars will have to give credit for their improvements to the Bahar suspension.

Once upon a time in Nazi-occupied France...

Today's kids don't want to steal the keys to dad's Camry or mom's soccer-SUV. If you want your kids to love cars it's up to you to set a proper example.

Because: no real practical advantage

DS in name only is still banking on the past. They're Citroen, I expect a lot more from them.

Avantime trivia:

For relaxing times, make it Avantime...

And your Volt is not?

Mr. NASCAR, when we said you need a bit more color, we were not referring to your cars.

My title suggestion for his next book is:

So on their next run:

- Current TV reporter to document your capture, trial, and subsequent execution.

BBC Support Crew


If you're talking quarter mile ACME has you covered.