
Which makes it hurt even more because Matra with their composite construction talents should have improved upon the Rancho or better yet based the next gen on a Renault platform. In my pre-voiture life I owned a LR Discovery and nearly soiled myself when I first "Discovered" the Rancho. Matra is/was one of my favorite

A little more trivia on the Avantime.


Luxury SUV's are the automotive equivalent of the bedazzler.

Thanks to Back-In-Time patching our availability metrics have never been better.

It looks like Herr Fritz has found the staff required to access the Maybach's SatNav "Map Room"

It's the staff they will be using in the final Maybach ceremony.

The glass moon roof will be great at drive-in theaters.

Hey baby, I drive a Maserati...

Overheard at GM HQ's: "Whose bright idea was it to hire the Fruit of the Loom guys for the Volt booth?"

Between Ray and the untold number of feet at GM my investment in ammo futures was a good one. (Don't do it Ray!)

Matra V12: Because she got to pick out the bedroom set.

Having learned their lessons the new models use obsolescent Motronic ECUs from Alfa 75's.

This is an outrage!

They won't rest until everyone is riding the bus.

My wife always asks why I drive like I want to be first in line. I think I just found my answer......

Well now that they are officially known as Booth Professional's SEIU will being running to their doors to set up a union and get a cut of da monies. Now that I think about it the fly purple-shirt wearing members of SEIU have a great deal more in common with other fly purple-shirt wearing mo-fo's that like to get a cut

That Ferrari looks so familiar.

Or just like Seatech Astronomy you can have the government take over your product.

You know, ever since my wife forced me on this medication I have yet to have an irrational urge to buy a Lancia.