Yes officer, I do have a medical emergency.
Yes officer, I do have a medical emergency.
Anything here.
Same here.
Kolaches from Hruska's bakery in Ellinger,TX.
....and right now that man is hold with the Intuit helpdesk.
Glazed with the tears of over a million officers.
Glazed with the tears of over a million officers.
The only good news is that Mickey Rourke will get a paycheck playing Elon in the made for TV movie.
The only good news is that Mickey Rourke will get a paycheck playing Elon in the made for TV movie.
Blue Horseshoe loves Tesla Motors.
At Starbucks prices it would be around $316 to fill a 17 gallon tank with drip coffee.
Them damn CHUD unions must have instituted a work-slowdown. (or a fight to the death with the mole people)
Let's add one more to make it 65.
Because Oil Shale?
Citroen C5 - Unmistakeably German
Yeah, but their wet traction must suck.
Because its pure pandamonium at the Toledo factory.
Getting behind her on the freeway.
The day will come when we look back through the mirror of time and reminisce about our experiences with the Crown Vic.