I was of the completely same opinion as you before the game came out, and would never have touched it if it wasn’t for looking for something to do during the lockdown. But by the time I finished, not only did I enjoy it far more than the original, but it felt like a full game and I wouldn’t complain if they never…
As someone who hated the original, 90% because of the ending, I’m all on board with this new one.
To be fair, that “15%” is now a 40+ hour game.
I had to make a run out to the local Walmart the day it came out because I needed supplies and told myself I’d grab a copy if they had it. There was one copy on the shelf, and when the employee went to get it, it came back and said he couldn’t sell it because it had been recalled, and that multiple people had returned…
What a bargain! You buy both and you’ve got enough box space to turn it into a two room apartment!
Don’t worry. All the games that don’t work on it will get HD remasters during the first year of the system...
Flossing and dabbing are actually the cure, but the Boomers will never know...
PS5 is secretly a long con for Mark Cerny to finally satisfy his ear fetish.
Yeah, but the problem is D.va is an off-tank, so picking her in this mode gets you yelled at by the whole team. I’d love if these “changes” for her (parentheses because they are pretty much just rolling her back to her older, better days, since her armor and matrix had been nerfed in the past), but the one tank limit…
I hate how they are doing New Mutants. I just want the story with the OGs, not those wannabes...
No one is falling for your ploy of being convinced not to buy one so you can buy them all, Plunkett!
I took it as Theo wanting to drive and him being, “Dude, you don’t have your license!” Growing up on a farm, Theo’s probably been driving since like age 7.
Well, it was fun while it lasted...
Buff Hoplite is my favorite MST3K character.
While I enjoyed the story more in Your Name, I liked the characters in Weathering a lot more. Natsumi and Nagi were the absolute best!
Honestly at that point just delay a little more it and make it a next gen launch title, instead of selling us an HD version months later...
But mah Goku!!!
Up until a few moments ago, I was thankful I didn’t know this existed. Now I know this exists and am feeling a combination of sadness, pity, and frustration. 2020 was supposed to turn things around, dammit!!!
The development studio Insomniac organizes names alphabetically, with a twist. For Marvel’s Spider-Man, the names are sorted by the last names from A to Z, but in Song of the Deep they’re sorted by first names, Z to A. By doing this Insomniac never faces the problem of having someone with a name like Aaron Aaronson…