
Torb does have like 9 kids, so he’s definitely getting more than the other characters.

Thanks! I had only seen it with a stick. Never knew it also used the other controller as well.

Cool thanks!

I haven’t seen anything about the Return of the Jedi game it comes with. The only one I recall in arcades back then was one where it was just levels of speeder bikes on Endor, then flying the Falcon into and out of the Death Star. Is it that one?

It was one of those games where I was hot and heavy into at the beginning, but then I just put it down and never picked it up again. I need to go back and try it again.

My top 5 this year were Control, Fallen Order, RE2, Sekiro, and Fire Emblem, so at least a few were on this list.

The first time he meets Jaskier in the tavern, for example, if you look behind him there’s a pack/scabbard thing with both hilts sticking out of it so while he doesn’t carry them both around they at least showed he has 2 with him.

They’re adding realistic genitals to the cats so people can KNOW their supposed to be horny when they watch.

Always happy to see more love for the galaxy’s best/worst tomb raiding disaster lesbian! Aphra is by far my second favorite new canon character, right after Chopper from Rebels.

If you really want to bend over backward with all the various new canon stuff then I could sort of rationalize it using Battlefront 2's story mode. As soon as he died he sends proxy droids out all over the Empire and has them start wiping out worlds, so maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe his “Sith ghost” or whatever survived and he

I always thought it was the turkey thing as well. While I was over there, a coworker wanted to put on a Thanksgiving dinner (he was Welsh, by the way, but thought it sounded like a fun idea), and Costco was the only place we could find a turkey. Even more fun, once we did, it was too big to fit into any Japanese oven

Oh, I wasn’t even aware of most of that. I thought it sucked from all the damn Rashids...

Man, I am just an uncultured lout I guess, since I only saw a grand total of 1 film on this list (Knives Out), and hadn’t even heard of 15 of them...

It was ruined for me way earlier than that since some random video about the games bosses popped up on the side of my Youtube feed with said spoiler as the thumbnail. Huge bummer because that moment was awesome when it happened in the game.

Honestly the only thing I disliked about the game was getting to choose which scenario to play since it made things so disjointed. If it would have been a set order to play through the characters I think people wouldn’t have hated it quite as much when it came out. I definitely like it better than 5, mainly because I

What proof do we have that these so-called experts aren’t just three geese in an overcoat?

This doesn’t look too bad! *Jim Carrey proceeds to Jim Carrey* Nevermind...

“Has me in it. 10/10"

Well they did compensate some by upping Blue Mary a couple of cup sizes...

“Sorry, no Mai.”