
I literally just found these at the Walmart here. Picked up Lucio, Reaper, Sombra and Tracer.

I mean, she still had the flanking bonus from Bran, so she really didn’t need the stealth roll.

The Dark Souls board game also made a ton of money on Kickstarter then came in hot but then fell off immediately because it took forever to put out the new material for it. It’s now been out for years and I’m still waiting on the stretch goals...

Well this is beyond infinitely disappointing...

What did they think would happen? The first thing you do in a stage creator is to make 1-1, and the second is make dicks. And Smash already had 1-1, soooooo...


I wish it would have been about Caleb Dume instead.

Nowadays every game has the easiest mode of them all: Watching it on Youtube.

Play lame, win games!

Play lame, win games!

Not really feeling the graphic style. I wish they could have brought back the original character designer instead of the Bleach dude. But damn if that theme song didn’t bring me back! And it’s getting a western release? I hope that means we’ll be getting some kind of re-releases of the originals too.

Does this one have character creation? Because those looked like the blandest-ass default characters ever...

So when Red Daughter turns good, she’s gonna rip the metal symbol off her costume leaving a boob window, isn’t she?

She’ll never be a true Magic player until she’s able to focus on the game so hard that she doesn’t realize that she’s exposing at least 4 inches of ass crack.

Our LGS has a pretty large number of female players, especially when it comes to the D&D groups and card games (especially Weiss Schwarz). The one genre I rarely see female players is miniature games. I was at a large tournament a couple of weekends ago, and out of about 200 players there were only 2 women.

The whole time I was seeing the title on release lists this week, I thought it was that really boring zombie game that Sony has been showing off the last 2 E3s, so I was all “Why is there a mech in it?”


Wait... Isn’t there already a documentary about the real Paige with the exact same title?

Is there any realistic viability of Blizzard pulling a Bungie and getting out of there?

The AMC here usually has about one anime movie a month, although they did do the Ghibli festival last year. I watched the Cowboy Bebop movie there in a crowd of about 20 or 30 people and thought to myself “Well, at least some people are supporting it...” Cut to the My Hero Academia movie and the theater was standing