
Having only played 1 and 2, I watched a 3 hour long “story of Kingdom Hearts” video and still had no damn clue what was going on. It was like 2:55 of Organizations and alternate selves, and then in the last 5 minutes it’s like “Here’s Mickey!”

I think the bigger implication is that Nintendo thinks Luigi wants to fuck Mario...

Yeah, the costumes and sets are absolutely mind blowing sometimes. They really nail the aesthetic they are going for.

If A Place Further than the Universe hadn’t come out this year too, Bunny Girl would have been my number one show.

This is the first Smash I’ve owned and I unlocked every character using Kirby and one move (his charged up hammer). Now that I have everyone unlocked I’m actually learning how to play them be clearing everyone’s challenge mode.

Covering up Jasmine’s midriff? 0/5

My prediction: Detective Pikachu will come out and show the world video game movies can finally be done right, then Sonic will come out and torpedo the genre for another 2 decades...

How else will you know if there’s candy inside it?

Well in this one it is very much a Hulk-like transformation. Adora is traditionally feminine (appearance wise), and when she turns to She Ra she grows 8 feet tall, gets huge muscles and different features.

So is this just a normal deck? I thought it was going to be a raid style thing where one player took on multiple people.

Same. I haven’t touched it in a while and was thinking of going back for the Switch version, but I have a ton of stuff on PS4.

The last Pokemon game I played was Yellow, so I imagine I’ll be just fine with this one.

Goku confirmed for Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, therefore he must be a Smash DLC character!

No sir, I will not believe your deception! I will not be appeased until Grant Danasty actually shows up on screen!

20 bucks says that if Ashe was black there would be complaints about Blizzard adding another POC to the game that was yet again a villain.

Ah, the days of hitting 60 with my first character, a melee hunter, in Eastern Plaguelands... #lacerate #blessed

B.O.B. best bot.

Yeah the East Coast gang did during their Extra Life session yesterday.

Except that it’s locked behind a 1 week timer before the version with audio is unlocked. I watched Giant Bomb play thought the whole thing yesterday and, wow, to call it The Room of video games would be an understatement.

With the happy ending, it sure feels like they knew the whole Marvel/Netflix deal was coming to a close...