
I’d love to see the FTC get involved with another Kickstarter: Goblins: Alternate Realities.

Please, as a writer, write it down. Don't make that kind of headline and then just post a vid. If the hinge is shitty, just type that down. If the power button is annoying, type it down. Also, just looking at it, the clamshell doesn't complete close, that's crap design right there. Words, please, if you want to add a

Caves of Steel came to mind for me as well. Many of the points shared in the article were present in that book. Farms outside the city bringing food in. Co-op dining halls and bathrooms, etc.

From what I understand there was significant pressure from Publisher Sega to deliver a Simultaneous release. As such a third party was brought in for the PS3 port, namely what was then Nex Entertainment. As in almost every other Xbox 360 lead-platform title Platinum Games / Nex ran into difficulty converting the

That is my main gripe with Borderlands. My play time is pretty limited, so there was a small window where it was fun to play with xbox live friends until they leveled up to the point it was impossible to play with them. I have no idea how a fix would be implemented though.

Whenever people complain that the Zelda series has gotten stale and formulaic, my gut reaction is always "Well, Majora's Mask tried something different and fans made it clear they wanted more of the same." For as much as people complain, it seems like the games that take risks and try something new are the

I was probably in the minority I suppose. I loved Majora's Mask when it came out. The game (IMO) tells a much better story than Ocarina of Time did and the stories (the main story and all the little ones in between) carry so much more feeling and emotion than its predecessor as well.

Same here. I thought maybe it would be an anti-climax, expecting so much after all this time. But it delivered! Onto the second book now, fingers crossed the movie lives up.

Impossible? No. I played multiplayer with my girlfriend on one screen, she used the keyboard and I used an Xbox controller. The controller uses a button to be held that opens a circular menu consisting of all the spells. Also there are some quick-combo buttons and a way to program your favorite combos to a button.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all games handle an overclocked card well either. I know that when I first tried to play assassin's creed on a very mildly overclocked 580 (clock speeds were raised by like, maybe 5% at the most) it glitched out on me, even though my card was completely stable for much more