
Thanks for the info. I’ll give it a look. :-)

As it currently stands they’re specifically banned from providing aid of any type for gender issues. I’m really hoping that changes. I’d love some help in getting my transition handled.

Was actually thinking about the exact same project. My heart goes out to Thunt trying to deal with the aftermath of that while simultaneously trying to get back into the swing of things following his mental breakdown.

Actually the comparison works better the way he has it, because like computers many use android as a cheap serviceable solution to their needs but then there is a smaller but dedicated movement that buys the high end devices with insane stats, mods the hell out of them, and ends up with a high performance

You think you’ve got it bad? I just got to the second chapter of the witcher1, and I’m hoping to beat the franchise before June 19th when heavenward devours my life. ;_;

Persona 3 essentially rebooted the franchise. 4 is set in the same world as 3 a few years later, but with the exception of a few nods to 3 has no direct connection to it, and can be played as a stand alone title. That said, if you want to play Persona Q or either of the Persona 4 Arena titles you’d heavily benefit

Its really not bad, especially in first person mode. I do wish you could track more than one quest at a time, and sometimes the epic plot sequences are ruined a bit when you have some idiot named noobmcpwnsauce trying to do the same quest as you since the game stays away from instanced zones almost entirely, but if

I’ll be honest here: I’m a comic book nerd and my forgiveness of marvel is not dependant on any long reaching plans like the ones you’re talking about. In all honesty I have nothing but appreciation for how actively marvel is trying to make sure their cast of characters is as diverse and all encompassing as possible.

Thank you for saying this. Although I am never against more mainstream representation of the LGBTQ sector of society as a member of said sector the idea of someone invading my thoughts and forcing the issue is extremely upsetting, and I’m a bit peeved at marvel for forcing him out of the closet like that.

I highly recommend Choice of Robots. It can be found on steam.

Thanks for the heads-up! I was one of those wierdos who pre-ordered a vita and has had it since day one, and if I ever knew about this lawsuit I’d forgotten about it. Combine that with the fact that I almost never check my e-mail and I’d have never gotten this deal if you guys hadn’t written an article.

Oh, I know what depression is like, and trust me, I’m not gonna let anyone get me down due to a silly article about a video game, at least long term. I knew I’d have a fair amount of backlash from posting, but I still figured it was worth it to give a more personal perspective on the matter. Thanks for your kind

Don’t worry, even though it shouldn’t be necessary fact of the matter is you do get thick skin when you’re in my position. It’s kinda a requirement if you’re gonna survive. When I posted I knew I’d get a fair amount of knee jerk trollish reactions because this is the internet. I also knew there would be people who

I am getting help. It’s in the form of a licensed and nationally recognized gender therapist, who is governed by all the same rules that any other therapist is governed by, and has plenty of experience both in telling people when she thinks that they are correct in their assessment of their gender and also in telling

As an MtF in early stages of conversion I have to say that I think everything he said was decently on point. The post certainly wasn’t a piece of poetry in motion, but the thoughts behind it were true enough. The joke was in bad taste. I personally at least felt extremely hurt reading it, as it’s essentially like

yes, there was another one other than Danganronpa, but I can't remember the name of it. It was an action RPG with the trial mechanic though.

For anyone wanting to look at the stream, it doesn't actually start until approximately 20:45. Before that it's a "coming up next" sign followed by a stock "FFXIV: Heavensward" logo you could see elsewhere. Canned music starts at about the 19 or 20 minute mark, and the actual program starts at about 20:45, like I

two things: first its specified the player had just spawned, so they weren't on any type of kill streak. Second, the dude who did it and the article author both clearly say the shot was a bs chance happenstance. I mean come on, I can understand skimming a long read, but this thing took me 30 seconds to read in its

Back in the days where people were first starting to make gaming software for windows there were similar problems involving how to deal with the (even at the time) nearly infinite combinations of parts for the windows platform. One of the answers was a little piece of software you may have heard of by the name of

The issue with windows 8.1 (saying from a windows 8.1 PC right now) is one you yourself just hit on. You're positive experiences all focus around touch compatible devices, and most PC users have no interest in a monitor which is a touch screen, as it feels really effin' awkward from the distance that most desktop