
I appreciate that you're seeming honestly to want to understand this, so let me clarify a few points.

as some others have mentioned one of the main reasons for FoV sliders is actually because there are a lot of folks (myself included) who feel uncomfortable when they have to deal with an image which is close to their face but which lacks sufficient peripheral vision. When one is looking at a video game with a

This reminds me primarily of Muramasa: The Demon Blade. This is not at all a bad thing, mind you.

I was kind of thinking the same thing. Actually my first thought was of Robot Unicorn Attack 2, which featured similar asynchronous multi-player with the players choosing a faction early on in the game, and then the winning team getting points at the end of every week. In the case of RUA2 the amount of players who

Anyone else hoping this could herald a Lego Dr Who game?

As an FYI the series has been renewed for a second season which is going to expand the episode length to a full 24 minute episode. Honestly on the fence as to whether or not that's a good thing, but I guess we'll see.

First off, veteran here. Although you are correct, this was not the case in Vietnam. In fact, the re-integration programs were not started until after the start of the gulf war (not sure of the exact time frame, just know about the start of them from a fellow soldier who was in at the time already).

You're a Pratchett fan.

You know, I have to disagree with you. I found the "we've genetically engineered aliens. We're tricking everyone into believing they tried to invade the earth and died in the process. People will still keep peace forever because what if the aliens got it right next time?" plotline to be much more absurd and

I'm reminded of a statement in a trade journal for TV and Radio professionals (unfortunately I can't give you exact source, this was a while back). Essentially it made the point that people who say that ultra high sampled audio or analogue audio sound better than CD quality normally have the insanely expensive set of

A big part of his reasoning for why he thinks it's stupid for publishers to not use female leads is that many males would prefer looking at an attractive female avatar to looking at a dude (which I agree with). Given that, I think Bayonetta is a perfect example. :P

You know, I might be in the minority here, but I honestly don't like the original title. I don't think "All You Need is Kill" really makes much sense. To me it's a perfect example of either translation making something awkward or someone using a title from a language they're not too familiar with (not sure which).

This is probably gonna get lost in the mix, but I feel there's a simpler reason that Star Trek would win (keep in mind I say this as a nerdy fan of both who doesn't like to claim superiority of one as far as story or enjoyment goes). To put it simply, Q falls into the category of in cannon star trek resources. So on

I think he's talking about the gloves, which look like they're made out of a couple of the white trash bags with the red pull ties at the end of them.

Fun Fact: McDonald's started to invest money into Chipotle in 1998, and from 2001 until 2006 they were Chipotle's majority shareholder. Although they no longer have any stake in the company, it's under McDonald's leadership that Chipotle became a legitimately large chain.

I've been using my shield for about a month and a half now. I'm not gonna claim that it's perfect, but it is one of the most enjoyable tablet experiences I've had. My gaming experience with it runs from emulation (everything I've tried up to and including PSP emulation has run without a hitch) to a few ports of pc

The college I attend uses whiteboards only, and the teachers prefer them for a couple reasons: A. it's easier to get them truly clean, and B. they don't have to worry about the chalk dust being an irritant for certain students.

I'll agree with you since you're talking about the shield portable, but I love my nvidia shield tablet. It runs like butter, the controller mapping works great, and I can stream games from my computer at home to the college I currently go to via the internet, allowing me to complement my high end gaming desktop

Okay, so here are my two big problems with your argument. First off, you make it sound like the reason they didn't just ship it with a second disc is because it would have delayed the release of the game. I find this idea to be rather laughable. The article makes it pretty clear that this is not still content they

Upon reading the article closely, this patch IS NOT a result of lack of quality control. The reason that the day one patch exists is (in the word of the developers) that game " will take up almost all of the usable space of a single Blu-ray (45 GB)" for the campaign portion alone, and the day one patch is to patch