
I’ve been playing this for the last few days. I can say this... the UI at times can be a bit confused. That said for a F2P game this is actually pretty good. I’m not being constantly bombarded with adds asking me to spend real money... which is better than some paid games... I’m looking at you Modern Warfare.

All the Stars for this. I honestly think there’s room for both... I think you can swap races and have new IP... call me greedy but I want it all.

I’ve never understood this in gaming... or in any works of fiction really... lets be honest these games aren’t historically accurate in content... why are they relying on historical accuracy to explain their exclusion of POC. I’m not saying they have to mind you. I think... an “well honestly we didn’t think about it

For consoles and anything I want I try to Pre-Order. I was able to snag a PS5 Disk model from Best Buy with no real effort, which is what I wanted. Logged in put it in my cart checked out it was that simple for me. That said if I hadn’t I’d just have waited for stores to have actual stock. I would not have gone on

You should go check out the racism that black soccer players face... in Italy “fans” threw banana’s and made monkey noises at black players... and I don’t mean a few fans I mean entire seating sections... Go look up Racism and Soccer... it’s absolutely appalling what they go through completely insane. 

IDK... Football tends to cross all demographics from race, religion, sexual orientation, and even political party.

I’m fairly certain quite a few of those booing were... Democrats, Independents, Trump supporters, Trump haters, White, and Black.

Most likely the booing was less about the protesting... and more about KC

IDK... Football tends to cross all demographics from race, religion, sexual orientation, and even political party.

I’m fairly certain quite a few of those booing were... Democrats, Independents, Trump supporters, Trump haters, White, and Black.

Most likely the booing was less about the protesting... and more about KC

It’s a back and forth kind of weekend for me. I’ve been playing a lot of COD:MW lately. But I’m also in the need of something more RPG so I’ll be getting back into the 2017 PS4 port of Dragon’s Dogma:Dark Arisen which still holds up... could use a graphical update but honestly not quite bad yet just looks dated. 

Agreed Will Farrell is just aweful... His starting solo monies are garbage. 

Look... yeah I’m happy that He’s successful good on TP. That said his movies I don’t get most of them are just bad. Like 1980's soap opera bad. 

Good video but a correction dual band does not get you the “Best of both worlds” It just gets you both worlds. it gets you a 5Ghz radio and a 2.4Ghz radio... you can run them bridged where the router will automatically shunt your device to one or the other... but be aware that in some cases you can still have issues

Positives vibes out the the universe to Mr Johnson and family! and to everyone suffering under the virus. 

Now this I can get behind... not really cause no knock is complete and total bullshit that gets people killed. But these assclowns deserve some harsh harsh punishment.

Now this I can get behind... not really cause no knock is complete and total bullshit that gets people killed. But these assclowns deserve some harsh harsh punishment. 

OMG that prep is hell due to my family history I deal with this on a bi annual basis... I hate the prep... the procedure itself is a joke... the prep though... fuck the prep that is a nightmare. 

Yikes... as a white guy I can tell you... while maybe other “white folks” have the balls to do that... I’ve never once had the nerve to yell at one... I’ve seen “white folks” take a pavement facial for what you’re talking about in this article... I’m glad that turned out well... But if you think this is what it’s like

I still don’t understand the controversy over WAP... I mean we had “My Neck My Back” Hell even Britney Spears did... “Dive In”

 This movie holds up amazingly well just watched it on D+ the other day. 

oh look... and Echo chamber... don’t mine me..

This is sad and awesome... sad cause it’s always sad when a group closes things down. Awesome cause it’s a prime example of two adults being... well adults about something. They recognize that it can’t work like this forever and instead of sticking around milking it until they’re both bitter and resentful... they’re