
Oh... Man you know what... I'm so very ok with this... I will say KeHe absolutely had the right to say what they wanted. But you know what act a fool get called a fool... I'm fine that the fans called them out. The beauty of freedom is speech is you get to say what you want and to criticize if you want and people get

Play the games you like from developers you like do not let anyone for any reason tell you you’re a bad person for it. If someone judges you for a single aspect or preference of your personality they are the person with the problem. Hating someone because they play a video game or read a series of books or like an

Im just gonna say this here again. Complaining about a fictional European country being too white is right up there with complaining about a fictional hyper advanced African country being too black. 

Unpopular opinion here. Complaining About a fictional mythical European country being too white is along the same lines as complaining about a Fictional African country being too black.

LMFAO yes yeas... PC and XBOX only never mind the MILLION & MILLIONS of dollars in lost revenue by not including Sony... Cause there are no XBOX studio’s games on Sony Consoles. Seriously if you think a Software company like Microsoft is going to miss out on income because they have their own platform you’re

What kills me is rezoning happens all the time. Look at any major metropolitan area over the past 50 years and you’ll see lines change all the time. Sometimes it’s to benefit a specific political party. Sometimes it’s cause some rich guy want’s to build a new golf course. Mind you there are winners and losers in all

FFS it’s a game with gnomes elves the undead and freaking Panda’s who cares what color the people are... really really... having a few NPC’s with a different skin tone is causing this much fuss... 

Gonna be honest it could be a complete turd but that looks like a damn good Fan Live action trailer to me. I mean they did a good job with the trailer so I’m going to give it the benefit of the doubt. I know it’s something that didn’t need a new adaptation but given bebop came out back in 1998 with it’s original

Rule 34 in full effect here.... I’m just saying this is technically math porn just cause it’s not explicit doesn’t make it not porn for somebody

XB0X iS ThE BeST!!!

ROFLMAO I love it so much this has got me rolling.

I can’t express how much I don’t care what a fictional characters name is... I’m perfectly fine that they changed his name... 

It’s simply the old you job is uber important but we’d rather not hire extra people to adequately staff for the position instead we’d rather run you into the ground mentality at play. All these companies are willing to shell out millions for a CEO but then turn around and claim they can’t increase your headcount for

Ahh the lovely corporate mumo-jumbo for the old “we really have no idea how to treat all of you fairly and some people have positions that since we wont hire enough people will always have to work extra hours on Fridays. but we’re too chickenshit to tell you that while we could afford to hire adequate staff, if the

Sweet now Twitch THOT’s will have a new home... I love it. 

I think it’s time that people admit that not every game is for every person. Just like not every film or book is for every person or any everything. I think admitting that not every player of every game cares about the moral ramifications of their actions in the context of the story the game is playing. Some gameplay

Those commenting. I apologize for the mistake in associating him with Spain instead of Argentina as is the case. That said the statement stills stands.

Did you know racial slurs differ by region? If you take 5 seconds to google the slur you’ll see that that phrase is historically a slur in the united states. In Spain it may not have that same negative connotation. While I think it’s a phrase that should not be in use anywhere. I do think it’s important to know the

I wonder how successful it actually was... not to be mean but marginalized groups is keyword for statistically insignificant. I’m betting the viewership on the vast majority of these channels was/is in the single digits on a good day. And I’d also be willing to bet they majority of “protestors” don’t stream on any

My .2 cents...

It still needs larger controls on the Joycon controllers for adult hands. I’m sorry but they still look like they’re too small. I have small hands and they’re still to small even for me and I’m a short short person.