
Superstition getting in the way of a good time. Oh well, I find it funny people choose to believe ancient myths, which can not be proven, and ignore facts and hold documented proof as being "false". I feel for the gentlemen who wrote the letter hopefully one day the veil of mysticism will be taken from him and he can

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State:

Soap I make it into Soap there's a great article over at instructables on the process.

If a perspective employee asked these types of questions during an interview I'd push to have them hired asap. I love it. :D

This is great news I'm hoping this will also increase the quality of the loot that is dropped. :D

1.) The game will be 1 on May 15th a little over a month from now since the game still has no PS3 release date it's safe to assume it'll be over a year old before it comes out.

I might pick it up if it's a $9.99 download on PSN... if it's not then I won't. I mean it's an old game at this point on a system that has maybe got another year of support before PS4 take over completely. I just can't see spending more than 10 bucks on a a game that old and TBH that old school.

Give me a fucking break. SMDH

Congratulations, but I'd also say it was your diet that did most of the work .

doesn't have to be running your using an example of a high impact exercise to invalidate, which is a nice tactic. However, swimming comes to mind as a low physical aerobic activity that can be extremely beneficial. I'm surprised you mention peer reviewed studies, from what I have read most workouts be they HIIT or

Morgan, I 100% agree however not once in the article did they remotely insinuate that there was a "shortcut". The truth of the matters while you may burn more calories in 30min of Hit than I will in 1 hour of lower Zone 2 you won't be able to sustain that intensity for multiple hours. For in the long run endurance

GMail, Yahoo, and Outlook. Options it's all about options.

So stupid to get fired over something like this.

So yeah if it's sooo easy where's your Iron man suit and video?

I find it funny that people get so upset over these things it's pretty simple to fix this. Don't buy phones from your carrier only buy unlocked phones. If your carrier threatens to not allow you to register an unlocked phone change carriers. The thing is if you show companies with your money that you don't agree with

What this guys said. :D

Great another person who has no idea how psychology works telling the world there is a link where no link exists.

hopefully we'll get a J.J. Abrams remake :P

Considering the way Hollywood has treated member of the gaming industry in the past when game titles have come even close to the titles of things they have produced. I'm glad that Rockstart threatened to sue. It's about time the game industry gave those pricks a taste of their own medicine.

Having worked for both union and non-union jobs I have to say this is stupid. Unions are unnecessary in this day and age. The only thing I ever saw unions accomplish was keeping my less than worthless co-workers employed, taking a bite out of my paycheck while telling me I was getting more pay. I wouldn't mind unions