I'm glad you spelled that out for everyone lest they have to figure it out on their own :D
I'm glad you spelled that out for everyone lest they have to figure it out on their own :D
wow perhaps they'd like to burn a book or two also, maybe sew a star on some Jewish folks or load a cattle car full of polish people.
This is very true however your average power plant is much more efficient than any engine that runs a variable RPM's. With a power plant you can get the maximum efficiency out of the fuel in use by using the most efficient RPM at a constant rate. Also ,given the growing nature of Hydroelectric, Wind, and Solar power…
Really?! is this what people believe? Faith is a funny thing, in that it makes some people ignore fact. I'm sorry no matter how many times you insist the world was magically poofed into existence through no other process than the will of some supreme being, I'm not going to stop laughing at it. It's about as logical…
I'm pissed.... we have warrants for a reason. The system was not broken criminals were caught while working withing the laws. There seems to be this popular trend of giving up liberty for freedom by taking privacy from people who have nothing to hide, and it's wrong. Just because I have nothing to hide doesn't mean I…
Even as a weapons platform I can't see big dog as that robust as to be a huge payoff to have armor that would stop the larger caliber firearms it'll end up being fairly heavy and will loose a large amount of payload or distance. All in all I'm impressed but I think it's more of a novelty than anything else. I think a…
Hmmm I think it's good to see the trolls getting trolled. I'd really like to see hackers hit them where it hurts... go after their bank accounts.
On the one hand I want to offer Santa the "Bro" high five as his lady did make him a sexy time video... on the other I want to crawl under my desk and sob because Mrs Santa made him a sexy time video and I can't get that thought out of my head....
Yeah this is pretty much the nail in the coffin to me. I'll be heading on over to G+ or maybe just give up on the social networking bullshit if this happens. By far the dumbests shit ever.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Really? Is it any surprise given the projects that scientists have been involved in over the years.
The validity of this went down in the first 2 min when they used Wikipedia as a source....
Rich kids having fun /facepalm really this is worthy of gizmodo? how?
Ah I love this debate. The problem is the way the laws are enforced does nothing to make sure guns end up in the hands of qualified responsible people. Sure you can make people wait longer. Sure you can make them more expensive and control control control. The thing is until we address the mental state of the…
Another Option I have used in the past is to roll out a thin sheet of cookie like you're making a giant square cookie and then use the cookie cutters after its been cooked. This works well with sugar cookies if you make them slightly soft. :D
That's part of the issue people don't understand that "A government should fear it's people" not the other way around.
Spot... fucking on... all of it..
Is it strange that I read all of this with a deep southern accent in my head... but not the well educated southern accent, no sir, that trailer kind of accent.
Gotta agree with OP. Tifa's skills from FF are way way way above anything SF has to offer, that this isn't just not a good fight it's just a Chun-Li beat down.
Ugh... I hated these the first time I'm pretty sure I'll hate them the second time.. all the inconvenience of a 2 seater... and none of the towing or hauling capacity of a truck... such a great idea.