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    Tepid works. Around here we say lukewarm but they're really the same thing. Cold but not so cold you're cringing and trying to jump out of the shower.

    I admit to watching true blood just for the recaps here.

    I usually wait to watch True blood till Monday afternoon or evening just so I can go immediately to your recaps.

    That sounds like a much better idea.

    You know what though,minus the heating element this looks awesome and would be interesting on a desk.

    My mother put in her yahoo personal ad 10 years ago that she liked video games and anime. My stepfather had in his personal ad that he liked Star trek and ham radio... They've been married 8 years. They were honest about their interests and ended up meshing well. They go to otakon together, they watch doctor who

    Debit card? It's not really a credit card.

    Milk being healthy or unhealthy or whatever doesn't much matter. We as a country need to drink more water and less drinks with caloric content.

    Actually I do meditate when I am stressed. It takes practice to get there but being able to just STOP the thoughts racing and just have inconsequential thoughts flitter through your mind can be incredibly refreshing and a good way to deal with whatever is causing my stress.

    It's more likely that the reason they're staring at you is because you're using chopsticks at all. I never rubbed mine together, but we got stares whenever we ate just like the rest of the students in the cafeteria at university. Finally one of our friends got curious enough to ask where we learned how to use

    I do and I love it. I don't use push on anything but alarms though, so I'm probably not the best judge. I get email notifications on my desktop. (Maybe you can have the not-uninstallable mail app send push notifications and then use sparrow?)

    Until they give up.

    It makes me sad. The saddest part is they care about business interests because they're getting money from them and there's nothing the average hard working person can do about it except write letters and hope.

    Hopefully it doesn't even happen here. It's another example of how much our government is run by whoever pays off congress that it's even beginning here.

    I don't wake up until about 20 minutes after I take my morning medication. I have an app that is for kids to get ready for school that reminds me of the things I need to do before I leave. I also make coffee the night before, and it's waiting for me in the fridge when I need to run out the door.

    Wow..he's really good at Tommy Lee Jones as K. That's incredible.

    I gave out recipes to friends of the breakfast biscuits I make so often and one of the instructions was mix sausage and mix, preferably by hand as a fork or spoon just doesn't do as well. One declared it unsanitary. (I don't know how, I wash my hands.) I suppose I could suggest latex gloves. Interesting idea.

    And they're nothing new. My mother has one and has had it as long as I can remember. I'd ask her when she bought it but she probably can't remember either.

    Definitely. I did this when I had that hour long commute to school. A good book makes the time just fly.

    How about this instead: