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    I've noticed the ads aren't necessarily weird, and they're definitely not intrusive, but seem to be things like "bing" most of the time for me. I keep some ad supported software on my iphone (Though if there's a pay for no ads option I go for that if it's something I use often.) and I understand why it's needed.

    Alignments are best played as fuzzy guidelines on how your character would stay in character instead of strict they will or won't. And your paladins should totally lose their powers if they break the morals of their gods.

    Okay, take a random comic book spine breaking pose. Now look at your favorite victoria's secret model. Which one is sexier? Most of the men I know like their women with internal organs and spinal cord intact. And you can definitely still draw butts, there's just no way to comfortably show both breasts in the same

    I didn't like Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, or Pushing Daisies, so I didn't come into this with much hope. What I took away from it was a charmingly morbid silly campy show. I liked it a great deal, but I don't want to get attached, as it'll probably get cancelled.

    ...And this is why I'm not involved in the supernatural fandom anymore. No sense of humor.

    I am rather sad to hear them failing. i did try out the service, and I was very impressed by how fast I could get a single player game up and running on my pc. I thought it had a really nice potential market in people who have to use the family computer or an older computer to play games.

    Nah. It really sort of doesn't!

    It's limited for US readers too...There's next to nothing in the newsstand,and there isn't anything I'm interested in.

    Never thought to look there. I'll stop there the next time I'm all the way out that way. (The nearest is 45 minutes from here.)

    Any recommendations for finding those in twin size? All I can ever find is full or bigger!

    I'm horde and not on moonguard thank you very much. We make fun of the people in goldshire too.

    It's in the pet battle stuff. And ragefire chasm.

    I know a lot of raiders who are taking a break, yes. Add to that the fact that they get a subscriber dip every summer...most guilds struggle to find the will to raid the content they don't really need to run these days.

    Ragefire chasm is filled with corrupted orcs. People are mumbling about Sargeras. Garrosh has reignited the war with the alliance by destroying theramore.

    That's what I'd love to know. I hate that new clothes are so scratchy, but i don't want to ruin a new shirt.

    Just be polite. there's no trick to it. If they're an ass they're still going to be one.

    Remember to tip based on your entire bill also. If you have a coupon for half off your meal, and your meal comes to $6, tip on the original $12. Not double tipping is also important, but you should be noticing this if you look at your bill really.

    I...suppose? It would be amusing if he was at least.

    Also known as, that temperature you make the water when you were outside for a few hours in about 32C and need to stop feeling like you're boiling.

    They'd have to find a culture where women aren't objectified...I'm trying to think of one now but i lack coffee.