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    I've listened to something with headphones in my right ear before while driving because my radio was broken. I could hear better than the jerks that blast their radios.

    Usually i'm like 1600mumblemumble....something.

    I had to. I got a different monitor a year ago and never paid much attention to the resolution.

    Zippered pillow covers Zippered mattress cover.. The mattress cover gets washed once a month everything else about every 5 days. I'm STILL looking for an allergy cover for a body pillow. I miss mine.

    Sleep cycle also doesn't work with a tempurpedic style mattress.

    I have to wash my bedding and use pillow covers. So goes the life of someone with severe dust mite allergies. Hey at least I'm not allergic to the cats.

    When I went to japan I got 3 hours sleep the night before, and no sleep on the flight. We arrived at 10pm and i unpacked and went to bed at midnight, waking up at 9 am with absolutely no jet lag, because I shocked my body with the lack of sleep so badly.

    Even more horrifying is that we feed this stuff to dogs after putting ammonia on it. ...I wouldn't want to feed my pet that, much less eat it myself.

    I'm going to say...2 out of my last 20 ebook purchases were from amazon. They were cookbooks. The rest were science fiction and fantasy published by small publishing companies. They sell the same books on amazon, but going to their website cuts amazon's cut right out, and they charge reasonable prices. The quality

    I did start spending more when I got paid more. I bought more healthy food than cheap junk. Since I had more free time as well with this new job I prepared my meals as well.

    Yes, because youtube has shortened urls in the form of [youtu.be] and I send videos to my friends over IM sometimes.

    Oh I get my tv from websites and my father's house next door. I don't even OWN a television anymore...Though, sexy young space cadets blowing things up while they have sex does have it's place too, and I'd certainly watch it over american idol.

    That's probably one of the other problems with saying it's for the D&D crowd. The D&D crowd is so VARIED. They range from 10-50 years or more...some of them obviously live with their parents, some of them live in basements, some own their own homes, or rent apartments.... Some of them are teachers, businesspeople,

    Considering how many reality tv shows are out there, how a lot of new dramas are completely indistinguishable from one another and sitcoms are quite possibly worse than ever before...I don't think you're being pretentious.

    And what if I want to know what the weather will be like tomorrow to lay out some clothes for the morning? Or if it'll be rainy before I schedule that picnic?

    I took a hit on my credit report when I fell behind on payments due to the bad credit decision of breaking my ankle and being unable to work for two months. (I know right?! I shouldn't do that!) at the time money had been tight because I was JUST finishing school in the next two months an wasn't working full time.

    Oh this is just perfect. I was hoping and looking for something like this just last night!

    I live alone so I dish out my portion and put that on a plate, and then put the rest in a pyrex style container, wash out the pans and then eat my meal. When i come back with my plate I put the lids on the containers and put them in the fridge.

    I kind of like her sweater in a train wreck sort of way. It's interesting to look at..

    As I read the comic books in my cousin's house when I was younger, this seems acceptable to me. (Argh so long ago..) Unfortunately I doubt he'll make a good movie anyway.