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    When I had a bunch of people going with me to an anime convention, I brought a bar of soap (Yes, the Octagon soap actually) and we washed friday's clothes to wear sunday. Saved a lot of packing time and I didn't have to worry the cap came off of the detergent or something like that.

    I don't know that you'll understand everything, but you could read quick season summaries to understand most of it.

    ...but boobs don't move like that. If you're going to draw boobs in place of an iconic character we all know and love, at least draw them right.

    Considering he was the ONLY reason I kept watching really, and will tune in for the next season, Good choice!

    I can't think of one that's truly episodic. Not TRULY.

    I think if we had more episodic genre television, Doctor who is about the only show I can think of that is that way, that we'd get more viewers into it. People for the most part don't seem to RESIST the idea of Science fiction or fantasy in their shows, or Heroes wouldn't have gained the popularity it did, I think.

    Sign me up to watch this show.

    yees, I will try this. Mostly because I have nothing better to do tomorrow.

    Because "Lesbians" are this strange exotic unknown species and not actually humans with normal human variation in interests. Silly agent.

    The part that confuses me is how they even thought they could use Jack's blood this way, sure he himself is a fixed point in time, but how exactly does that translate to magic blood? There shouldn't be anything physically special about him at all other than time puts him back to that state he was in when he became

    AND flirted with the CIA man and the doctor lady at the very least!

    See I think most people wouldn't have noticed it if she said boyfriend because heterosexuality is the norm here. Everything else is a deviation from the cultural norm. (Not saying it's a bad thing to not be heterosexual, just that it never gets noticed because people think of it as normal)

    I'll do it I work cheap! This series of Torchwood should be maybe 6 episodes.

    I was totally expecting him to hit on the CIA lady this past episode, yet..he didn't.

    I wonder though, if she had said her boyfriend left her would you have even given it a second thought?

    I suppose what they mean is which one you'd choose in an ideal situation, which so fails with me. I usually date people based on their voice and ability to mentally keep up with me when I've had too much caffeine.

    I figured the reason he was ramping up the sending things into the cupboard this particular night is because his parents were talking about sending him away. He says it right when he meets the Doctor even. "A doctor? Have you come to take me away?"

    I would definitely offer to my opponent the bulk of the money if we stopped the bidding at 0.01, anything above 0.50 and the only one that wins is the auctioneer.

    It might just not be the show for you. I like it, but even I have to admit it's not a show for everyone.

    Most of the migraine treatments ARE blood pressure medications aren't they?