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    More substantial than the female armor in the Conan MMO, as most people playing female characters run around topless.

    ....She never fails to be entertaining whether I hate the song (as I do in this case) or not.


    ....Now I'm imagining her in a sailor moon costume. Thanks for that.

    That dragon is still ridiculously cute.

    It was a disappointment, but not a deal breaker, and he didn't do a bad job reading it.

    That is the best news here I think. I can't wait!

    I did love this book, though I was sad that my audiobook version, (Yes, I usually buy this series as audiobooks) wasn't narrated by the same person as the other books. I'd gotten used to him as the "voice" of Harry.

    I can only drink tap water if I filter it. A filter is MUCH cheaper than soda would be. I spend a few dollars every two months or so and my mother spends around $20 every other week for her soda and gatorade.

    I just bought one of the nook simple touch e-readers yesterday to replace my LAPTOP.

    I'm guessing it would slow down lower end computers and netbooks.

    Lots of games use the past save files. Mass Effect 3 isn't ready yet. We don't want a game that isn't ready, trust me. (See soul reaver for ps1. Ever since then I've been happy to wait for games to be released when they're ready.) Go replay 1 and 2 to get a few different save files?

    It'd be great if they did that. Because Shepard's role in Mass Effect is the same hero if you're male or female it'd create a pretty strong female character without turning her into some sort of female character stereotype. They won't do it though.

    I shouldn't laugh, but oh maan...that is awesome.

    Sherlock repeats? When are they making new ones?

    That's an awesome idea!

    I'm thinking that the comment might have been more directed to the over the top silliness of the scene rather than the words like "fae."

    I only have a problem with them when they're in my stuff. I had a small spider living in the top corner of my kitchen all summer. Killed all sorts of things for me when I'd leave the doors and windows open to air out this creaky old house.

    He was behaving like a man with honor...when no one else was. Yeah he was doomed from the start.

    Haven't read the books, but given the boy's cruel nature, I totally saw it coming.