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    I have no money. Most of the people I know around here have no money. Movie tickets are $12.

    Any true comic book nerd knows they've AU-ed and rewritten stories so many times that a movie that does it is JUST FINE.

    So it's normal for my best friend to have sex almost every night and go through more partners than I can count over these past ten years, but me saying I have no interest whatsoever in actually having sex is a lie?

    The ONLY thing I like out of this video is the "thumbs" layout. That's so brilliant in it's simplicity, and absolutely perfect for a tablet pc. Bravo Microsoft.

    No, they're treated like circus attractions. Think about it. I'm not sure that's better at all...

    When my father has to drive out of town for his work meetings he trades his truck for my car.

    Don't they have to say alleged since there was never a trial? I'm not sure....

    That has got to be a mistake. I get advertisements with two women kissing and such all the time, simply for putting that I like men and women even though I'm not interested in ANY relationships on or off facebook and put that there too.

    That's exactly why the life expectancy was so low. Ezio is fun even as an older than most heroes (and come on, he was older than most in the last game and the end of ac2.) so I have NO problems with this at all.

    I'm amused by the ending....I really am.

    The kids I work with can't go outside and play. It's not safe where they live. What exactly do you want them to do, hmm?

    Naw, those of us who knew about it just didn't pay $69 for it.

    I couldn't find her real name on the website for Judy Mays at all. I see where it says english teacher, but honestly there are tons of english teachers out there and it's not really identifying. It does ask that you be 18+ to read the stories on the previews, and I'm pretty sure those particular publishers are known

    My teacher wouldn't let me learn cursive because I was left handed and she disagreed with that.

    The wolves are pretty awesome.

    Yeah, they're referring to Avatar, not "The Last Airbender" I was one of the many people snowed in for a good week and a half during that time. I remember that. They're complaining no one went to see the movie and I'm sitting here wondering how people could see a movie when all the theaters are closed and we'd get

    You mean it stopped raining?

    As I said, it doesn't excuse their behavior one bit. Nothing can excuse attacking another person like that.

    There IS a reason people try to live out of city limits if they work in Wilmington or Baltimore. (I can't say anything about the other places.)

    Really? REALLY?! oh texas....