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    It's rare, but I've seen a few. If you're brave, Deviantart has a cosplay section under photography.

    I hate having wet hair in my bed...

    In the interest of sleeping in as much as possible, I already do this. How else can I do something more important to slow down on, like eating breakfast and still get to work without waking up half an hour earlier? I'm so not a morning person.

    I adore this comic. I do read it randomly, (like I'll forget about it for a month and come back to it.) but I haven't shared it with many people due to just how raunchy it can get.

    My mother encouraged me to play with dolls. They got left outside on purpose a lot in favor of playing in the mud, playing sports with my friends, and climbing trees. I would get upset at adults and other children that assumed I did or liked something because of some stupid reason like being a girl, wearing glasses,

    I like it.

    For free you can log on to the website and see what auctions of yours sold and what are still up and browse the Auction house. The $3 apparently lets you buy from it and repost your stuff or something. I have no idea. All I know is I've checked to see if my auctions sold off my laptop before.

    You mean like...in class or something?

    I was thinking the same thing. Hey these are really cute!

    My thoughts exactly.

    There are small bits of happiness here and there.

    Honestly? I love the books but I'm not blind to their flaws and if I wanted to list them I'd start about here...

    Elric's a bit too classic for this list I think. Goodness, I didn't even think of him until you said something. I haven't read those books in awhile.

    Oh just wait till Changes.

    Maybe, ...If he heads this far south. It may also get harder to do this sort of thing with the weather changing. More people are going to be outside at night. Hopefully that'll make him slip up.

    Because we wouldn't be able to scare people into buying diet drugs anymore?

    They've moved away from her being as large breasted in the most recent games compared to the ps1 games actually. She looks a lot more athletic now, and they try to design outfits to suit the climates she's going to be adventuring in. You can still choose the skimpy outfits if you want sometimes, but you usually have

    I'm on an rp server...(I know I know shut up it is an MMO RPG after all. What do those letters stand for anyways?) and one of the things I've done for amusement is...quest in character. With the revamped 1-60 this can be actually really amusing, because each zone is more or less a story line.

    Yep! It's kind of neat. You can get xp from doing the less violent things in WoW now.

    I'm horribly offended that for a game that's trying their best to be offensive, there is a distinct lack of tacky animal print on any of these 'babe's' tiny outfits. Seriously now, if you're going to be offensive, go for broke.