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    Apparently. I want to take away their blackberries and make them all sit in corners.

    I'd love one of these, but not for $100.

    ...Upon reading the article, and looking at a map, and reading the article and looking at a map and reading the article again, I've been to those arcades. (I'm about 90% sure..it's been a few years..)

    I ..kinda like it. It's completely impractical and therefore perfect for Cammy!

    Which is a lie. Some gay people flirt. Some straight people don't flirt. See there's this thing called individuality.

    uhm...er.. They do realize that Anders reacts the same if your character is a WOMAN right?

    Uh, what? No, there are laws now against beating your child to the point of hospitalization in Japan also.

    It's over done isn't it?

    I have one of those programs too. It's quite wonderful for note taking in class actually. No chance to get distracted by the internet and all it's temptations.

    There is one fun thing about typewriters sometimes.

    Outings that aren't food centric maybe? Or maybe you could find coupons for places you like and turn the tables on her?

    I'm completely honest with my friends about my financial state. I do not make a lot of money, and I flat out have said to friends, "No, I can not go out to that with you, I do not have the money. Yes, I will go to the movies with you after pay day, I've got the money for a movie ticket then."

    It's true. We do not focus on rehabilitation or reintegration at all. We don't give them any way to survive other than to turn to the same behavior that got them there in the first place half the time. It's why we have so many repeat offenders in the US.

    No, we're dealing with probably enough information to track them down and find them after they leave prison.

    We're remodeling our city library, and we expanded the county library. That's the two libraries closest to my house, simply to meet the demands of the people in the area. Everyone's using the library for books, internet, movies, meeting places, books clubs, magazines.

    Hey, you visited the library for the same reason I did!

    The subway tunnels were connected by shopping malls and underground walkways in Sapporo. It was awesome. We were there during a storm once. The winds were insane above ground, but below ground, we were nice and cool and not getting soaked or blown about by the wind and rain.

    Well said.

    That's cause you can get it from a few fortified foods.

    Naw, there's ways for her to have enough vitamins to pass on to her baby. She wasn't getting enough nutrition herself apparently.