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    I tidy up when anyone comes to visit. I like to cook so often I'll even offer food to people. Not just my parents and nothing special for them.

    @albokay: I've seen a ton of parents and children playing WoW together. It's really common.

    @pongsifu: My mother does that!!

    @I_Like_TDs: They revamped azeroth. 1-60 is totally redone. New dungeon finder tool. You don't have to travel to the dungeon to get in there you queue up like a battleground and go in with people from your battlegroup. (You can still do it the old way but this way you can quest or whatever WHILE you wait to go do

    @ajlien03: The thoughts running through my head were: "Way to give a rat's ass about your own kids man..."

    @petit_singe: Uhm apparently men all wear the same suit every day or something and just dye it different colors.

    Well, if she should wear something designed in America.....Maybe schools across the country with fashion design programs could hold a contest and she could wear the winner's design?

    @ae2: So much love. Thank you for saying this.

    @blash: Adding to that, BMI is a crazy stupid measurement, and doctors don't all seem to bother calibrating their scales, also many of them like to give you unhealthy dieting advice.

    There is really useful information here. Yesterday I got a phishing email for my discover card. It was very well done, but had one major flaw that tipped me off immediately. it listed my card as 6011-xxxx-and so on...yes my card is 6011 but that's standard which I knew from selling the damned things (credit cards)

    @Manly McBeeferton: At least none of the kids are permanently injured or dead?

    @suzannelb: Or not incarcerated for homicide?

    @WrittenPyramids: To shame fat people into losing weight I guess? I don't watch stuff like this. Yuck.

    @Beav: I remember in 7th grade having a fight with one of my friends, because she'd miscarried. She'd told me she had been afraid to go get condoms and her boyfriend said they didn't need them because they were too young, it only happened to high school girls. (yeah right....)

    @raikov: Farmville is a whole lot scarier.

    @thegreatpablo: Taking care of two kids alone with a full time job is enough work. Six...that'd be insane....

    Ugh. Figure the stepfather called social services about it.

    @djdare: What's AC? I don't know what this is...Is that when I turn the fan on and the cat sits in front of it?

    @rott: Tonight's low is -2. Tomorrow's high is 1.