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    Not saying anything about quality one way or the other, but I'd like to take a moment to say Hah to my father, as he said people in the UK pay more than we do for healthcare and they so very much do NOT! They pay out half of what we do overall.

    @Sparky13: That's just...I can't even plan my day enough to hit the pvp in WoW ONCE a week....

    @Me.Yes.Me85: Oh Yuck. Did she rip her hands off??

    @bowen13: Sadly. I found Midna, in both imp and princess form to be absolutely awesome. What with the little rawr teeth and the mean attitude and the heart under it all and the strangely beautiful but still weird look of the true form as depicted above, she has way more character depth than they've given Zelda for

    @You Are My Friend!: No, that's because you're kinda nearsighted or something probably. Get those eyes checked out, hm?

    @FarmboyinJapan: See I don't have any problem with the man, it's just his attempts at English usually have be falling out of my seat laughing. I don't MEAN to but oh my, he's bad at it sometimes. I hope he's improved since some of the older clips I've heard.

    @beastybeatsy: I've slept in the same bed in a hotel room as another woman, and nothing happened. You see, it was at a convention, and the four of us, all unrelated women, got a room together for safety and financial reasons.

    @hello.kitty: Oh so tired of hearing that one.....

    @Koekjes: I generally respond to those with "No, All [whatever nationality or color or what they said] are individuals. They have diverse interests and skills. Sorry to burst your bubble."

    I hate that people are like this. I always hope that someday things like this won't happen anymore, though. so far no such luck.. only a few years ago I was sitting at the lunch table when someone approached a friend of mine and asked to touch her hair because she'd never seen a black woman before. We just stared

    Must be an alliance player.

    I hope that poor girl is okay.

    Why don't we teach kids that sex is something normal, but nothing they have to do now if they're not ready, and nothing to be ashamed of, and this is how to protect yourself against diseases and pregnancy. (Including abstinence as an option, since it is a very good method of protection but not the only one.)

    @PaintedTrollop: Do you have any idea how many lawsuits would have been prevented by a simple apology?

    @closetalker11: Soft warm long underwear and a tank top all count as underwear. I need all that to get out the door. Sometimes I double up socks too.

    @cait98: I went to class the day my grandmother died. I was incredibly close to her. She died that morning..I went to classes about half an hour late. There were 4 students in the class at the time so yes, everyone KNEW.

    @CogitoErgoNom: ...well that makes him look even more stupid.

    @Nimnyn: Oh hell, my guild's doing it wrong then. We're mostly female and mostly over 25! And this sounds like a horrible idea.I don't want to smell WoW.