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    @TheBoHoe: Show her this video? She says she doesn't wear wigs around town and in daily life at all.

    @Bethanylcm: I do this. And I used to have them in the mornings, because I am very very hard to wake up and I can walk around and go to class and answer questions but I can barely be forced to eat anything for at least 3 hours after waking. The idea is to get some nutrition so I'm not eating stuff that'll make me

    @Jonas72: Also, the same part of me that likes costume theater and cosplay likes her makeup. It's always so very insane.

    @Jenova65: There are a lot of places to visit that wouldn't be great to live at.

    @Shippoyasha: I know nothing of this Other M you speak of. /willful ignorance

    @gary_7vn: Ow.. that was so bad it almost physically pained me.

    @Vodnik: I like B. That made me smile.

    @A_Gracious_Plenty: Most people haven't the slightest idea what the words liberal, conservative or rational mean.

    ....wow. uhm....People pay money for these?

    @averagebear: I think we both are. I've never had trouble telling any people apart that aren't of the same ethnic origin as I am...I don't get what the problem is.

    Uh... They don't seem uniform at all to me?

    @DeadlyWhispers: The cost of new technology is on a curve. The newer the more it costs to make and sell. There was no market and really still isn't for a $400 handheld..as this would have had to cost a lot more because of the cost of the higher resolution screens.

    @sage_viper: " Credit or not, some people don't like having their content somewhere where they can't support it, stuff like that. "

    @Afrocass: I take it you don't make mods?

    @kevin.beck88: Nope, I side with the mod makers on this one.

    @gary_7vn: But they're not WHOLE!!!

    @lifepaint: I didn't scream but I did put my bowl of cereal down and cover my mouth with my hands. Scary. I'm terrified of roaches irrationally so, and I can't imagine...eeww.