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    @Shippoyasha: Says you! Samus was my hero growing up.

    @Jenova65: You know, that sounds fascinating. I should add this to my list of "Places I'd like to go if I ever got a vacation, not that I've had one in th past 23 years, but SOMEDAY" list.

    @Archaotic: Hell ya. Tirion is awesome.

    @AnikaG: I know about this problem at a personal level. They tried to put me on ritalin in first grade because I refused to do the same sheet of math problems two days in a row, and other various things I thought weren't worth my time. My mother took me to a different therapist who finally told them I was just

    @props_nyc: Half the commenters here have never HEARD of her.

    @Jonas72: I don't mind the song first thing in the morning when I'm showering or trying to drive to work in 20 degree pre-dawn weather. I don't mind her music then because it's loud and funny and stupid.

    Those look awesome for a pregnant woman. Towards the end I'm pretty sure any good support is welcome.

    @The Sentient Meat: I quit in the middle of Ulduar. I returned for cataclysm. It's a very different game now. CC is back for good, and they made leveling more story like.

    @Archaotic: I made an alt. ...on the opposite faction.

    @kearneybobs: Holycrap mod it to hell and back like they said.

    @Squizzy: When I was in japan there were missionary groups there. I spent a lot of time hanging out with them all despite being one of those "agnostic" people.

    @1Grand_Marquis: Yeah..it's still composed of solids and liquids. I don't see where the new state is.

    @disillusioned: I'm thinking most of us pc gamers on Kotaku buy a lot of our games as digital downloads these days....

    Almost exclusively Steam, GoG, and other online places.

    @Sweppess: Around here I'm more likely to hear. "we can't get pregnant,"

    Sounds like liquids being transformed through chemical process into a solid state.

    @Jennacide: Props to your awesome healers! I'm so tired of arguing with healers about it. They're too "wrath spam heal" still to think about removing things like that it seems. Sorry for the caps, but it happens every time my random pops as stone core to the point where I offer to leave instead of staying for the

    @TehBeardMan: The cool thing about rice cookers is you can cook a lot of rice in them. You don't burn the bottom of the pan, there's recipes for other stuff in rice cookers and so on. I love my rice cooker.