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    @Tsylord: Peanut butter on toast isn't bad. Grab some carrots or celery to go with it. Add a piece of fruit and something dairy and you've actually hit every food group.

    @NefariousNewt: Yes, he needs to leave. He just admitted he doesn't always even bother to do his job he gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do while far too many Americans are out here searching for jobs, or scrounging together all they can to stay warm and sheltered this winter, attempting to feed and

    @Lilah: The worst part is he'll occasionally say something I think is good, and then the rest of the time go around spewing this stuff.

    Wait wait wait.

    @Yankton: It's snackwell's cookies? BLOW IT UP. I'm pretty sure they're not food anyway.


    I call movies like this Saturday afternoon movies.

    @sabbon: ...Sounds about right to me!

    @Triffid: Mortal Kombat. *cough* (not the second one)

    @Helvetica: oh god....that's terrifying.

    @Glaiel-Gamer: Uhm, this isn't talking about copyright being bad, simply that the Copyright Act of 1976 was excessive. Did you read it wrong?

    Just another of the many ways our elected politicians work for the highest bidder, and not the people they promise to represent.

    @LLisCool: Wouldn't it be nice if history was taught more in detail like this...

    @Katjeluna: Thank you for fighting against such things. I've a friend studying nursing in Arizona and he's not supporting any of the complete crap that comes out of the government either.

    @small-fox: Yeah...that's the biggest problem I can see with it.

    @prosodie: But ...there were no other people in history right? People who are not white just magically appeared or stood on the sidelines right?

    What would they do if he attempted suicide in any other way? Would they put him in a mental health program?

    @StormsComing: 28 pcos, narcolepsy, no pre-diabetes or hypertension, but I have family history of heart disease and hypertension.