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    @Ab of Dab: The very idea of the bariatric surgery procedure scares me. I'm still using those intestines thanks.

    @snacktastic: But I like avacado appliances. They show less fingerprints than stainless steel or black shiny plastic.

    @roughneck117: Hunh. I though It was coming out at the end of february.

    @MC_Hamster: I don't need an internet connection to play starcraft 2...I just don't get achievements if I play offline.

    @Izod517: I just wish I could get it on the radio here. I have to get it online instead....

    @Lawdog: I like this theory.

    @Ghostnappa9001: Sounds like a great resolution. I'll definitely add that to my list.

    1. Walk again.

    @RaveCraft: The problem I see with it is this. Many game stores check ID already. The majority of parents have no problem reading the back of a box, they just don't want to.

    @jdbaddley: heaven forbid they have the console in the tv/family room whatever it is, and be around the house when their kid's playing games.

    @Izod517: Wait..there are RC cars in it?? I thought it was just a shooting game. Sign me up!

    @IncrediBurch: We could make a list of top 10 games we PLAYED in 2010?

    @deanes: Aw you gave them a nice home?

    @lazy.Lemming: I used to type out shorthand instructions to people who didn't have vent while the leader was saying them. It's really NOT that hard.

    @exsea: DPS instructions:

    @Jennacide: Hey now, hunters don't have it easy anymore.

    Hell, half the hearing players in vent don't LISTEN anyway. At least he knows the fights. He can come over to my server. We don't raid though..not yet anyway.

    @johnpooley3: Making money off of people's insecurities (men AND women) is a time honored tradition. The product doesn't have to WORK. it just has to seem like it MIGHT work to enough insecure people that they'll make money off it.

    @wreath of lights: I wish sometiems that my sister wasn't my sister, but it's not with romance or lust. More like rage and disgust for some of the things she does.