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    @AngryBeaver: There's a few problems with their master plan! People don't want to wear glasses to watch tv.

    @HelenLovejoy(née_maude_flanders): Computer games and trench coats. It's why they thought I was a school shooter waiting to happen. You see, immediately after this all happened my school at least went looking to make sure they didn't have any dangerous people.

    @QuatlooMillionaire: I'm not fooled by this either, mostly because if i actually feel the need to lie about something, if it's THAT important, I'll tell myself the lie is the truth until I almost believe it, and in multiple ways.

    @tj: But would you have a problem answering the question if you weren't telling the truth?

    @thinkerer: I'll have to try that sometime. I got bills coming up at the end of the month and really stupid acquaintances.

    @tomsomething: I would like this to happen. I don't want any more snow thanks.

    @Miss Suka: Keep the sensible christians I know out of it too. I'm pretty sure they don't want to be associated with these crackpots either.

    I'm going to go out there, but unfortunately It's only going to be 29 outside tonight.

    Since I broke my ankle I've been eating dinner with my family.

    @prestocaro: Oh that sounds good. I didn't know how to make alfredo. Thanks!!

    @tinidancer: Some of us can't afford the prices of vegetables and fruits in the winter. I have a nice supply of frozen vegetables but it's really not the same.

    @SwishSwishSpit: There's only one recipe of hers I like. And it has canned pumpkin in it. It's the brownies out of one of the cookbooks. I like it because they're very chocolatey and not as sweet as regular brownies tend to be.

    But...you can buy the toys without the meals, and you can say NO to your kids once in awhile so the people working at the schools don't have to be the first to tell your spoiled little monster that no means no.

    So blockbuster tries to keep it's head above water and the money grubbing executives at warner, fox, and universal think this will get me to buy their piece of crap movies? HAH. I'll wait for netflix thanks. Why would I want to buy something I'll watch once and most likely demand my two hours back for anyway?

    @dannymalt: There are still blockbuster stores?

    @QADude: It WAS fascinating. It was definitely made a lot less disturbing by all the description.

    @Dom: Because everyone is afraid if they're affectionate in non sexual ways to their friends they'll turn gay I guess?