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    Other than Steam, I used to buy used games for $5-10 when I was a child at the fleamarket downtown. He's still there, but I don't own any current consoles and don't have anything for past ones that I want.

    Too much protesting makes them sound like they're making excuses....

    @Cima Garahau: Hey now, I've liked tomb raider for awhile and don't feel like they were focusing more on her appearance than the rest of the game play and environments. Yeah they occasionally put her in skimpy clothes but who cares? The floor's dropping out from under your feet if you don't move now.

    Yet if she had worn men's swim trunks they would have arrested her for indecent exposure or something.

    @bitterseafoam: Try a non-reese's peanut butter cup made with higher quality ingredients.

    @Pantra: The amount of clingy guys and psycho women I know......

    @Strict: You just woke up one day and said "I want to be part of a persecuted minority! It'll be AWESOME." right?

    It's easier to be a lesbian if you're actually a lesbian. It seems to be pretty hard to be straight if you're actually a lesbian though.

    @sometingwong: I think the worst part is the tools make it easier than ever before, and they're screwing it up just as much or more than before.

    Well..stupid criminals don't HAVE to be male.

    A friend's sister ended up on cash cab. My thoughts are simply this: So what if it's partially staged. It's still FUN to watch.

    @pamplemousse: I constantly argue with my mother about fruits and vegetables. She seems to hate ALL Of them. I don't get it at all...

    @mocksun: Hi! I'm a fat person. I love fruits and vegetables, and I pay for health insurance I don't often use either.

    @arianamb1: I eat next to no fruit all winter (bananas sometimes...), and have some at almost every meal in the summer. The only time I can afford good quality fruit is when it's locally in season and I can get the slightly damaged (but just as tasty) seconds from local farms.

    @sleepneed: Wasn't that an episode of the simpsons?

    @CaptainKirk: This cheap painter took them off when she painted her entire house by herself, but would have read and left something like this in the light switch plate, or kept it. It's always nice to know the history of a house.

    @iDroid: It honestly depends on what you're looking for though doesn't it? Would you want to read a 10 page resume for the low entry level job that pays 20K a year?

    @Malthian: Yeah, especially important with technology as the HR people usually have no idea what an OS is.....