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    @madara: I had a sony vaio back in 2000 that did this! It had a beautiful ocean scene and it did sunrise daytime sunset and night.

    @terabera: A lot of times the bus driver simply doesn't know. There's 50-60 kids on the bus and most of us don't get bus aides. I've found out from parents that their kid has been coming home upset for over a week over bullying on the bus and it'd be the first I ever knew about it.

    @memphreblues: I broke my ankle on the 4th and my first thought when the pain was gone was "Oh man my poor kids they have to have a substitute." I know they're asking about me. I've had a few tell me I can't leave bus driving until they're in high school. (I don't drive highschool.)

    When I don't do stupid things like breaking my ankle I'm a bus driver. I've told kids and keep telling them every few weeks, if you're being bullied, tell me. If you're not comfortable telling me and don't want to make it worse, hand me a note as you get off the bus. I WILL do something about it.

    @TruBlu: What else does it tell us to do?

    @Joie de Vivre: Maybe you can write to your representatives and senators and ask them for some money for the exam you can no longer get? I do wonder how they'd react to that.

    @Kogo: And it's got those nasty cherry flavored truffles that never really taste like cherries.

    No, we didn't vote for O'Donnel because a lot of the conservative republican voters I know wanted Castle there instead. She's too radical they said.

    @crosis101: I don't like either of them either. The only reason I got through even one lord of the rings book is I was sharing a two bed hotel room with my father who snores like crazy so I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to.

    Did anyone else return to WoW to see what's different with the coming of cataclysm?

    @shenmue2: It's true though. No country loves that game more than Korea.

    @jbarr: Microsoft is clearly working hard to be a better company.

    @ZeroCool898: Or so many that it doesn't matter?

    @michelito: They just haven't translated their services into canadian yet. It's a VERY different language you know.

    @rebthegreat: seconded. everyone should try this game.

    @Calisee: I love her new haircut. I think it makes her look not a damned thing like Hermione, which is a good thing if she wants to get more roles in acting. It also makes her look more mature, and is a good match for her face shape.