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    @Shinta: Unfortunately I've only found three games I want for the system thus far and my gamecube works fine...

    @Shinta: Nothing about it says to me that this is worth finally buying a Wii over.

    @Tanneseph: Zero Mission too? They're not super metroid, but they're both fantastically fun in a nostalgic way.

    @Walking Eye!: There are reviews everywhere about it.....

    @metaXzero: Samus didn't use her upgrades on her suits until the big strong man told her to. Even when it could have gotten her killed.

    It's definitely the way they presented Samus that didn't even get me interested in buying the game.

    @je suis prest: Hate makes them feel better about themselves I guess.

    @dj-hq: My mother's cat will hold both paws on the tap itself and lean forward to drink out of it.

    @girl_talk: During the past several summers (Not last summer as I didn't buy any clothes this year) I walked in a store and challenged the sales associates to find something flattering to 38H-38-44. No one could. All the babydoll shirts made me look pregnant.

    @Delta Sierra: Porn shops included. They don't want to be shut down for child porn.

    @Skeinchug: I do wonder if activision would have gone bankrupt by now without blizzard.

    @Vespene: I was going to get one...because I heard about how they'd been released in the blizzard store. I got to the store, saw the price tag and closed my browser window. No way in hell am I paying $25 for a mount.

    Can someone tell the headache industry to stop visiting me? I think I just got one from reading that.

    @KirkVox: Because they keep wanting to make Ged white. Until they quit that load of crap there's never going to be a good Earthsea movie I think.

    @foogs: Not really. There's not a lot of similarities other than wizards and going to a school, which he doesn't spend all the books at the school, so I don't see that at all.

    @CJ4: A good rule for any discount is to tip based on the full price. ESPECIALLY if you received great service.

    Use it and bring a friend who has never been there before?

    @Archaotic: Quit that. You're thinking that publishers make sense again. You know that just doesn't happen usually.

    @chrisspada: I might be as well..seeing as how I'm still going to be stuck in bedrest with a broken ankle...WoW has been something to pass the lonely hours of friends too friggin lazy to log off their fps games to come visit me.