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    @KevTehNev: These sorts of deals let you play your account.

    @Pirandello: My guild was still waiting for me after 1 1/2 years. I have no idea why.

    @CKTofu: ....You're addicted? Stay far far away from the game.. Put the MMO DOWN! Don't do it man.

    They offer a few days as a "come back to ussss" attempt every few months anyway....

    Wait, so they fired someone for not following the rules?

    @Kin: Ahh well I don't think anyone wants her domain names so that's good.

    The worst problem I ever had was my roommate locking me out to have sex with her boyfriend once. She honestly thought it was my class night and I started writing down when I wouldn't be back until late.

    @Nimnyn: Orgasm IS a medical reason. Just look up all the benefits of having one. Sounds very medical to me.

    @poigirl: Fake reviews on amazon get deleted all the time. Using the reviews to complain about the existance of the book like this is considered a fake review.

    @wesker1989: True enough. I find the book disgusting, but I can't cry for them to take it down.

    @mgallagher713: Asking to feel a pregnant woman's belly isn't near as bad as the multitudes of people who just walk up and start touching.

    @YunHarlot: My elbow went into the ribs of the last man that tried to touch my breasts without my permission.

    @MsRizz: Everyone who's asked why someone would want smaller breasts has been horrified to find out how very large breasts are treated (as if they're the person instead of the actual person they're a part of.) and how they can cause pain.

    "Lost a few pounds."

    @ant1pathy: They made me keep annoying (because who has time to write stuff down in a busy day?) food journals and have spent years calling me a liar.

    @Ryan Goldstein: There's also precious few women who don't have their bodies adjust to calorie restriction and then gain back the weight.

    @Fierock: My diet consists of brown rice, vegetables, beans, eggs, nuts, cheese, fruit, unsweetened tea and a cup of coffee in the morning. If money is good during the week I can make a "pizza" which is chicken broccoli and cheese. I've seen a nutritionist. I eat healthier than all my thin friends.