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    @OmegaSpartan08: It isn't. It's not actually that hard to do if you have flexible neck and back muscles.

    @tandyman: I counter your why with a "why not?"

    @JabbaB: Things are generally more tolerant here. All I can tell you is people are CRAZY, fearful, stupid, hateful animals.

    @Rawrnosaourous: Oh yeah. Skip the fade mod too. I hated it the first time through, I would have quit after that first time.

    @PunkyChipsAhoy: You'll want the Equal Love mod on dragonage nexus uhmm

    @se7en-: Just don't talk to Zevran on your male character unmodified game and you're good.

    @Rawrnosaourous: No I think they're saying Antivans will do anyone.

    @Nethlem: You do know you only need to get his approval rating to like 30 to get the assassin class..you don't have to have sex with him, right?

    @jethro1138: I told him to suck it up. He married Anora and I took Loghain as a warden. Everyone lives, and Alistair surprisingly throws himself into being king pretty well.

    @icromaholic: Alistair's adorable. It feels like killing kittens to romance him because of how innocent he acts.

    @Archaotic: Your comment is lost in the awesomeness of dancing Walkens. Man I forgot how much fun that video was.

    @StealthMaster86: Firing people wrongfully and having to pay court fees you mean? yeah it probably will get him in trouble...

    @vorpal_raddish: I actually like him. I don't know if it's because he's got kain's voice actor, or if it's because he's not really a BAD person the way Howe is. He's just a scared man whose seen too much war and is terrified to the point of irrational behavior of seeing everything he bled for tossed away.

    @Inphoarius: You wanna know what he does go read books 3 and 4. ^-^

    @John Bailey: Liara wasn't a good start..she's..boring.

    @Joshua Meadows: I just try to ignore people like him. It does no good getting upset over their phobic behavior on a gaming blog. They won't listen.

    Though I played a female character, I chose to romance Zevran, one of the bisexual options. His romance line is much more amusing to me. When I fired up awakenings and found out all I get is a stupid letter that he's in Antiva I was kind of sad. I wanted him to stay with my mage. Should I play through again with a

    @Inphoarius: What? I'm not talking about death or anything. I'm saying I hope the character turns out that way.