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    @Rawrnosaourous: Mhm...there's a lot of sex but not so much as all that. Have you watched the show?

    @RobotGhoul: I remember playing pac man as a kid but mom insists we only had mrs. pac man.

    All I can say is I hope bill goes the way he does in the books. I still don't like him.

    @Rawrnosaourous: Wait..you don't like the ones where the want to be human, but you don't like this show where they go around ripping people apart and having sex and lots of blood?

    @Shadowstep: Up to you. I would have stuck with the processor you have for at least another year or two. But i'm known for being cheap when it comes to my computer gaming.

    @cyberXwarrior: What's your source for that? It'd be nice to really know who bought it.

    @:[NOTLIWS: Read harder Where?

    Who bought it?

    @Shadowstep: ah. Just get more memory and a new video card?

    @buckyboy2009: Don't expect your standard jrpg. I don't care for the game much, which drives my friends insane, but it is most DEFINITELY unique.

    @DukeOfPwn: That sounds silly. You technically verify it every time you log in to battlenet.

    @raresquare: If I were him I'd show how serious he is about his future before mentioning WoW. I'd agree with your friend.

    @UweBollocks: The most recent prince of persia game. Did they run out of rendering time or something? PICTURES?

    Mhm..If I miss recording a television episode, I just download it over http or watch it on the stations sites as more are doing that these days...it seems to be faster and safer than bittorrent and I don't have to pay a fee for it.

    @bjarnia: Yeah but...everyone already knows about usenet. So it's not like you can keep it secret anymore.

    I don't have much money, so you can't have that either. I wouldn't have gone for a punch though. I would have broken some knee caps. Let's see them try to get away when they can't walk.