What is this idiot’s secret service detail costing taxpayers?
What is this idiot’s secret service detail costing taxpayers?
This is some stupid Stranger Things tie-in, isn’t it?
OMG, Noe sucks SOOOO hard. His presence here is like a turd in a punchbowl.
I defend “millenials” on a regular basis over the biases of the older generations, then someone writes something like this and I totally back off on any such feelings of protection.
Country Burger is vastly superior.
Please don’t advocate support of the criminal “non-profit” Goodwill Industries.
I know Behar, and this was always a clear case of deflection from Franklin.
Someone funnier and more relevant than the shitheel Louis CK.
She’s correct, 100%.
Vinegar, mustard, dill in the form of pickles, and mayo only for texture.
Why the fuck should it be “sensitive” at all?
Very pretty. I hope the gameplay is not all “on the rails” like this, but it’s a minor complaint.
Two things...
This unfortunate woman needs proper psychiatric care before something truly awful happens to her or before she harms others.
Fuck Putin, Russia, and the FSB.
Wow, opinions ARE like assholes.
I would argue the opposite -- having actors speak English with an accent is outdated (if not antiquated), and the opposite is refreshing.