
I began hallucinating after around the tenth cup last time I went that far.

Absolutely unbelievable.

Also doesn’t help anyone that he’s racist AF.

So do the non-GPS models.


Who the fuck is paying YOU?

This is great.

She will absolutely do this.

Sounds fantastic

Came to say she incites me to violence, and am pleased I am not alone in this.

Ew, not fucking Malek. I’ll be skipping this one.

In the LA area, most places that will make these serve them with giardiniera, but if I make it at home I’ll skip that, although I will throw in some hot pepper flakes with the onion right off the bat.

Another joyful thing they don’t often tell you is that bruxism can lead to new bone growth around the sockets and that bone can become necrotic and break off and then work its way out of your gums in a fashion that is incredibly painful.

I am quite fond of the boxes from the old David Lynch website. I have many, and they’re clean, white, and the perfect size for many types of items, plus they sport nice black and white industrial photography along one side.

Yes, he is.

Fuck right off with that. It’s a sweet abomination, worst even than most slaws out there in America.

Don’t be a cunt.

God Bless Don Fucking Rickles.

These are standard ingredients in an authentic michelada.

After having purchased the game through presale, playing for a time then leaving it behind for a couple of years, the “Next” update brought me back and has had me playing almost daily to the point where I’ve basically finished the game.